Attendees / Customers
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Sub Forums
Task / Topic Latest ▼ Posts
Name for Will Call
Started by arrakeenpeasant
Last post by mikeboozer 4
Cancelling a badge vs. The events on that badge.
Started by bakimono
Last post by marimaccadmin 3
Event spreadsheet
Started by kriscook2
Last post by sindee 8
Wishlist to Cart Permanence
Started by d351
Last post by aegoce 7
Wish lists on differnt GEN CON accounts than badge purchaser
Started by jpaulchell_15
Last post by mikeboozer 3
Do Exhibitors announce Developers attendance?
Started by mcaramb
Last post by buffythecatslayer 3
Trade Day / Librarian
Started by jledgar7
Last post by buffythecatslayer 5
Badge Question - Giving to pseudonym
Started by quirkyginger
Last post by mikeboozer 7
2018 Artist Auction for which charity?
Started by oldman
Last post by oldman 1
Change in event refund policy?
Started by buffythecatslayer
Last post by mikeboozer 8
Started by merrittmaya
Last post by narzat 2
How does a badge cancellation affect hotel registration
Started by hkeaton75
Last post by technoir 7
Question about picking up tickets
Started by leoythegamerguy
Last post by mp3chaos 6
Events on the Wednesday re Education
Started by chucullainn
Last post by chucullainn 5
What are Convention hours for Aug 1, 2019?
Started by awyldknght
Last post by kd8esu 4
Early (or late) Access for Disabled Badge Holders?
Started by cgeiken
Last post by kathdy 8
Started by inetmktvn16
Last post by buffythecatslayer 2
Feedback on Spouse Activity Teachers
Started by sdfyfe12
Last post by roderick 2
Started by ladyimm
Last post by ladyimm 1
Exhibitors who make gaming tables and furniture?
Started by hipphop
Last post by glory 8
Need to fix Special Services
Started by buffythecatslayer
Last post by buffythecatslayer 1
Swapping events
Started by drail14me
Last post by austicke 2
Can tickets be purchased Saturday on site?
Started by daemongar
Last post by lord thrifty the cromulent 5
Is anyone checking the customer service email?
Started by andy_45
Last post by dukejohn 4
VIGs Trapped
Started by bobooton
Last post by bobooton 1
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