Travel, Housing, and Dining 2019 ( Locked)
Discussion about eating, sleeping, and getting to Gen Con 2019
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Indianapolis Star: "Dozen hotels planned in Indy"
Started by aldctjoc
Last post by brotherbock 8
Clarksville, TN to Gen Con on Wed - one way
Started by buffythecatslayer
Last post by quarex 8
Short-Term Parking for Will Call?
Started by kosmosis
Last post by maijstral2 8
2019 Hotel Prices
Started by galvatron42
Last post by jojofish 7
Milwaukee to Gen Con carpooling.
Started by bucholzc1971
Last post by joegamer 7
Owner of JW Marriott opposes new planned Hilton
Started by hahnarama
Last post by andrewj.rager 7
room to offer (cannot attend)
Started by maferland
Last post by roderick 7
Does the housing site do strict card address checking?
Started by edooner
Last post by edooner 6
Southwest flights open
Started by squirecam
Last post by buffythecatslayer 6
Hotel Parking, Do you need to call ahead?
Started by nikas zekeval
Last post by maijstral2 6
Info re: Some road construction on I-465 during Gen Con
Started by aldctjoc
Last post by aldctjoc 6
Tiny House Hotels
Started by stevespikes
Last post by localindyguy 6
Accommodation for +1
Started by duncan.cole
Last post by repto 6
Connected Hotel Info
Started by swearbear
Last post by quarex 6
Travel from nearby cities? Options?
Started by heychadwick
Last post by cmegus 6
Themed Dining
Started by casien
Last post by fethbone 6
Westin King room
Started by musikfans1
Last post by maijstral2 6
I thought the Conrad hotel was skywalk connected
Started by aldctjoc
Last post by maijstral2 6
Cheaper Parking other than hotel?
Started by heychadwick
Last post by buffythecatslayer 5
First GenCon - Hotel Help
Started by camaroblues
Last post by matthias9 5
Gen KAHN!!!!!!!
Started by qwaserity
Last post by wanun 5
Gen Con Wednesday is 31 Jul - you can book it
Started by faxboy66
Last post by mikeboozer 5
Please answer housing poll on Facebook
Started by austicke
Last post by austicke 5
Housing issues
Started by aaronmlopez
Last post by aaronmlopez 5
Adding dates on already booked room?
Started by rileyce19
Last post by rileyce19 5
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