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Sub Forums
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Changed all my tickets to mail from will call, badge?
Started by drboardgame
Last post by selene314 6
Uber/Lyft Cost
Started by nascragman
Last post by vulcanspock 6
Packets vs Transactions
Started by rcosborne11
Last post by rcosborne11 6
Daughter just tested for covid - have to eat $300 in tix?
Started by [email protected]
Last post by quarex 6
Event Reg opening Q&A
Started by mikeboozer
Last post by angel17 7
How do you update your billing address?
Started by stormie
Last post by parody 7
Is there an option to filter events to show only tournaments?
Started by lordbobo
Last post by lordbobo 7
Wednesday Will call
Started by roshz
Last post by samlamiam 7
Support Dogs at the Convention???
Started by firvulag
Last post by garhkal 7
What does the badge get me aside from entry?
Started by geekouts
Last post by quarex 7
What's the music / noise level at Gen Con?
Started by videogamerdad
Last post by austicke 7
Bringing supplies into the con
Started by sneeze10
Last post by sneeze10 7
Roommate threw away stack of mail containing my badge!!!!!
Started by asmodeusdm
Last post by garhkal 7
How does a badge cancellation affect hotel registration
Started by hkeaton75
Last post by technoir 7
Badge Question - Giving to pseudonym
Started by quirkyginger
Last post by mikeboozer 7
Wishlist to Cart Permanence
Started by d351
Last post by aegoce 7
Event Program and Coupon Books
Started by darkwraith66
Last post by quarex 7
Friend to Friend transfer
Started by kyhawkeye
Last post by uscameloptics 7
Event / Venue Map?
Started by jtrabue
Last post by bonjovi 7
Refund event tickets
Started by yamitrickster
Last post by alans 8
No Credit Card on File
Started by lourocco
Last post by austicke 8
How to buy tickets to overlapping events
Started by markplozay
Last post by dwintheiser 8
Sunday badges sold out??
Started by dzehner2
Last post by dzehner2 8
Cancel an event onsite; how credit works
Started by lourocco
Last post by austicke 8
No housing email yet?
Started by sandchigger
Last post by drkfathr1 8
4 5 6 8 10 11