Travel, Housing, and Dining 2021 ( Locked)
Discussion about eating, sleeping, and getting to Gen Con 2021
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Task / Topic Latest Posts ▼
Dining options in 2021
Started by ematuskey
Last post by scswan 100
Housing times?
Started by technoir
Last post by soulcatcher78 38
Who has their backup hotels booked?
Started by ematuskey
Last post by squirecam 34
Food trucks in September?
Started by mbeauparland
Last post by katebecker 20
Anyone have room to share?
Started by j0hnny br4v0
Last post by davidmenk3 19
Stone Soup Inn - Room Available!
Started by aricpatrow19
Last post by john0004 17
Anyone else getting charged by TRU Hilton?
Started by donaldbain
Last post by donaldbain 14
Hotel info is up. Nothing about registration.
Started by donaldbain
Last post by nomicon 14
Do you get Rewards Points for your room?
Started by amoebasinger
Last post by technoir 12
Coming from Airport
Started by cinnibar
Last post by mark_a 8
Goodwood Brewery
Started by raptorov
Last post by porraceous 8
Female looking to be a roomie
Started by amandajdalton87
Last post by thomasjack9654 8
Notification: Food Truck schedule
Started by roderick
Last post by fortuneriches 8
Couple questions
Started by thesuperskrull
Last post by thesuperskrull 7
Shuttle from Airport
Started by topdawgzaz33
Last post by raptorov 7
Skywalk Hotel Spot Available
Started by carlosatscg
Last post by jhonndee 7
One night deposit
Started by brewski
Last post by breamfaded 7
Caveat for those outside the housing block
Started by qwaserity
Last post by buffythecatslayer 7
Chnaging rooms after booking
Started by donaldbain
Last post by aaronmlopez 6
Champs permanently closed
Started by hahnarama
Last post by quarex 5
Need roomies for con- 3 empty slots
Started by beammeupscott
Last post by beammeupscott 5
Construction closure that people should be aware of.
Started by aldctjoc
Last post by aldctjoc 5
Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Indianapolis Room Available
Started by incarna
Last post by j0hnny br4v0 5
Looking for Roomates at Downtown Best Western
Started by brasilianengineer
Last post by careyparisian 5
Room Upgrades?
Started by grognard262
Last post by scottdadsons 5
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