Looking for Roomates at Downtown Best Western
Posted by brasilianengineer

I have a two double-bed room at the Best Western from September 15-20. The hotel is within walking distance of the convention center, but without the price premium of a connected hotel. (6 blocks)

The cost is $133.20 per day, and I'm wanting to split the room two to four ways. (So 33.3 per night for half a bed).

I am a single guy (vaccinated).


Posted by brianvanle

Ever find any takers? Currently looking for a room to crash in. (Vaccinated)

Posted by j0hnny br4v0

I'm also looking for a spot.  Don't need a bed - can sleep on floor.  Single guy.

Posted by brasilianengineer

You two are the first to reply. I'll send you both messages. 

Posted by careyparisian

They are great places.

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