Are events with unofficial game mods allowed?
Posted by jameshannon

My friends run our own private tournament every year in our hotel lobby.   It is a very popular game, but we use our own modifications to it....   Think playing King of Tokyo with the actual movie monsters instead of the copyright friendly ones in the actual game.   Its not that game, but that is the vibe...   We use the official game with the official  rules, but we use a different skin.

While playing our tournament in the hotel lobby, we usually get a small crowd who wants to join.   Depending on how early in the tournament they ask, we usually make room.   We have a trophy and plaque and its a fun experience.

we were talking about making it a GenCon Tournament Event, but was wondering if a modified game was allowed.  I tried getting permission from the company/designers for it, but they are too big to even notice my request.  

We are not charging for the event (beyond the base $2 charge), we are just looking to spread the enjoyment of a fun modification to a great game...

Thanks for your insight

Posted by noone

As per the hosting guide, as long as you say it’s a varent and put the changes in the short or long description it should be fine.  But most importantly read the hosting guide.

Posted by jameshannon

Thank you so much.   I've been looking at the Event host policy and Tips for New GM guide for the last hour, and can't find any reference to variants.   Am I looking in the right place?

I mean the variant policy makes sense for what I've seen in the catalog in the past, i just can't find the reference...

Posted by noone

Closest is pg 16

Events must be run as represented in the event discretion.  Changes to the location, format, player maximum, game system, etc.  cannot be made without prior GenCon approval.

it is more CYOA.  If you put in the description your variants changes to the game and later a player complains about the changes, GenCon will not hold it against you.  An example years ago at GenCon my wife played Setters of Cantan game.  At the table the organizer announced that the thief wouldn’t be used.  She could have complained and if enough complaints are received the the event organizers would have been told they are no longer allowed to run ticketed games.

As long as you put all changes in the event discretion any complaints are covered and not held agaist you.

Also email [email protected] they are always helpful and will explain anything you need in detail.

Posted by jameshannon

Ah ok,  that makes sense!   Thanks for the insight!

Posted by lance12

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