Self-pay GM Hotel Block?
Posted by taszerl

I see that the GM block submission has passed. have the emails gone out yet? I am a self-pay. any news or general info would be great.

Posted by derekguder

They have not. GM hotels are processed later in June, so notices will go out then - we need a fair bit of time from when requests are due to when final assignments are made.

Derek Guder
Director of Events
Gen Con LLC

Posted by taszerl derekguder

derekguder wrote:
They have not. GM hotels are processed later in June, so notices will go out then - we need a fair bit of time from when requests are due to when final assignments are made.
Derek Guder
Director of Events
Gen Con LLC
I appreciate the reply. Just excited. I will wait patiently... Thank you 

Posted by blazecoyote

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