I don't run on Sundays but this year I'm considering a 10 AM game. Are Sunday games typically well attended by players and would that be a good time? I'm driving out that day so I'd like to be on the road by early afternoon. Any earlier I'm worried of Sunday morning hangover cancellations (not to mention my own Sunday AM fatigue level).
I've never run a Sunday game either, but I almost always play some light board game on Sunday morning. My observation has been that tickets might not sell out before the convention but for the right type of games they tend to go by Sunday morning or you get players showing up with generics.
I play games every Sunday at Gen Con *but* there is high drop-out rates and everyone is typically exhausted so things tend to wrap up quickly, go sideways quickly, get crazy quickly or all of the above.
I don't take Sunday games seriously - I'm glad to have them...but I'm least concerned about them. :)
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I run a game (6 player rpg) on Sunday, 8am-12pm. The game always sells out. Attendance has been good. Most of the time I have had everyone show up. A couple times I have had tables of 4. Last year I had all ticketed players show up and more generics than I could seat. So it ebbs and flows.
I see a majority of 4-Day badges, though I have seen a few Sunday only over the years. Best of luck and game on!
In any case, yeah, I think I've had worse luck with GMs not showing on Sunday - because they think Players aren't going to show - than with there not being enough Players. My Sunday games - while everyone is exhausted - are usually populated with people who are really trying to squeeze the last few drops of gaming fun out of the weekend. :)
I used to run events for Game Base 7. We usually put in a few games on Sunday but a light schedule so that we can start getting things ready to pack up. We have always had a judge to be able to teach or run the game. I am now with a new group called Rising Phoenix Gaming Club and we will have events on Sunday. That being said it is a hit or miss on Sunday if things actually run due to either players not showing or GM's not showing. I wish you the best of luck. If you ever want to run under a group let me know.
Sir John D. Minderman
Had two RPG games on Sunday -- both were near full.
I've run games on Sundays and was only skunked out one year (out of 8 or so that I have been GM'ing at Gen Con). I had a single player show up for a 6-player game that sold out the day of event registration. It seems that you either get really excited players that want to be there (especially if you are running a high-demand game), or a bunch of people that bought their tickets as a group just don't show up.
If you are running a Sunday game, make sure YOU are present and prepared for it. Nothing sucks more than a GM who is half-asleep and just going through the motions so they get their last credits for the game company they are working for. A couple years ago I had a GM on Sunday morning for some FFG boardgame that just was dragging ass. It was kind of a let-down for the last day of the con.
I submitted a Call of Cthulhu game to increase my odds of getting a full table (typically a high demand game) and I'm looking forward to it!
My Sunday games, while everyone is exhausted - are usually populated with people who are really trying to squeeze the last few drops of gaming fun out of the weekend.
We've had a decent turnout for the Sunday games that we have run. It's more laid-back on Sunday morning. Although, we do have more no-shows (tickets bought but never redeemed) for the Sunday events. But not enough that we won't continue to run them.
Last year, I had two games on Sunday.
I was the only player to show up -- for both of them.
Yeah. Not a fun way to kill a day and end the con.