Event Descriptions- random question
Posted by nscott

With the announcement that the events listing will be removed from the program book will there only be a single description field during event submissions in the future? Will it have a character limit?

Posted by derekguder

For the near future, we're sticking with the same setup we have now: 2 descriptions of the current length.

Further down the road, we may tweak that a bit, but it's likely to stay pretty much the same: a short description to require a very direct, clear, and thoughtful pitch, then a longer description to go into more detail when necessary.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by triad1 derekguder

derekguder wrote:
For the near future, we're sticking with the same setup we have now: 2 descriptions of the current length.
Further down the road, we may tweak that a bit, but it's likely to stay pretty much the same: a short description to require a very direct, clear, and thoughtful pitch, then a longer description to go into more detail when necessary.
Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC
Good way to do it.

Keep it at 2 descriptions - short and long.  When viewing events, I find having to dig through a longer description looking for a "pitch" to be very annoying.  When you're looking through hundreds of events it can really wear you out/slow you down. By far I get the most info out of a quick look at the short description and then read further if I think I need more detail.

Posted by derekguder

Yup, that's the intent: give folks a quick pitch to initially filter/gauge interest, and then they can go to the long description for more detail to make a final decision.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

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