Airline lost my badge
Posted by monsterarchiver

Hey everyone. I’m having a pretty tough time right now. Southwest Airlines lost my bag with badge and tickets. The agent I talked to couldn’t find my bag and told that the company will get back to me in a day with further updates. I’m still at the airport hoping the bag will show up, but I’m not feeling optimistic.Is there anything GenCon can do to help? I tried calling customer support earlier but didn’t get a response. Should I speak to someone in person instead? From everything I’ve read so far, the convention doesn’t replace lost items and new ones have sold out.

Posted by mikeboozer monsterarchiver

monsterarchiver wrote:
Hey everyone. I’m having a pretty tough time right now. Southwest Airlines lost my bag with badge and tickets. The agent I talked to couldn’t find my bag and told that the company will get back to me in a day with further updates. I’m still at the airport hoping the bag will show up, but I’m not feeling optimistic.Is there anything GenCon can do to help? I tried calling customer support earlier but didn’t get a response. Should I speak to someone in person instead? From everything I’ve read so far, the convention doesn’t replace lost items and new ones have sold out.

Go to the Customer Service kiosk onsite. We will resell you a badge and tickets.

If you get your other badge before the con is over bring it to Customer Service and show us both badges we will refund one to System Credit.


Posted by monsterarchiver mikeboozer

mikeboozer wrote:
monsterarchiver wrote:
Hey everyone. I’m having a pretty tough time right now. Southwest Airlines lost my bag with badge and tickets. The agent I talked to couldn’t find my bag and told that the company will get back to me in a day with further updates. I’m still at the airport hoping the bag will show up, but I’m not feeling optimistic.Is there anything GenCon can do to help? I tried calling customer support earlier but didn’t get a response. Should I speak to someone in person instead? From everything I’ve read so far, the convention doesn’t replace lost items and new ones have sold out.

Go to the Customer Service kiosk onsite. We will resell you a badge and tickets.If you get your other badge before the con is over bring it to Customer Service and show us both badges we will refund one to System Credit.
Thank you so much for the response Mike! I'll head over to the kiosk now.

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