Publishers pulling out: last second cancelations
( Locked)
Posted by kevinrg donaldbain

donaldbain wrote:
=inheritYou agreed to got to the Christmas party back in October when the roads were clear, so even thought there's two feet of snow on the roads now, you should still go to party.

I'm in Wisconsin, I've never committed to an event in Dec-Feb without attaching the 'unless it's snowing' rider to my commitment.  :)

Posted by hahnarama

>>>If they had pulled out when the Delta variant reared its ugly head 

Not sure if you are watching the news but Delta is the Hydra of Virus mutations it keeps sprouting new heads EVERY day. All I really wanted when I started this thread was to see a list of who pulled out and who had stepped into their place. I never meant for it to turn into a COVID bashing of those who made the personal choice that was the right thing for them concerning their safety.

Mike, as the OP it's OK if you lock this one down. 

Oh by the way the Bros Murph, who were working for Restoration as well as Gen Con, just pulled out at the last second. They were exposed to COVID but they made the hard difficult choice to protect themselves and others. I think we will still see people pulling out this week and that's OK.  I keep saying Gen Con is what YOU make it. It's what's between your ears aka attitude.  I for one plan to make this Gen Con THE BEST ONE EVER!! until next year ;)

10 days out....GAME ON EVERYONE! see all of you soon 

Posted by samlamiam

Ravenburger, it is pretty frustrating to have an event canceled the week before the convention.   :(

Posted by eldrad12000 samlamiam

samlamiam wrote:
Ravenburger, it is pretty frustrating to have an event canceled the week before the convention.   :(
They canceled some events, but they still have a ton they are hosting. I think this is less them pulling out and more them having to canceled some events due to lack of staff or volunteers pulling out last moment.

Posted by dotificus

Hahnarama wrote "I think we will still see people pulling out this week and that's OK.  I keep saying Gen Con is what YOU make it. It's what's between your ears aka attitude.  I for one plan to make this Gen Con THE BEST ONE EVER!! until next year ;)10 days out....GAME ON EVERYONE! see all of you soon"

THIS! so much this. Yes, things are frustrating and difficult and disappointing this past year and a half. But we're going to Gen Con! Whatever kind of Gen Con it is, it will be fun. 

Btw, if one of your events has been cancelled, check the Events list. Two of ours were cancelled and there were lots of new events available that have been added recently for us to choose from. 

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