I'm assuming the plan is to have an Exhibit Hall? I didn't see it mentioned specifically...
On Twitter, it was confirmed there will be an Exhibit Hall. Whew!
Yes, there will be an Exhibit hall.
Well, of course the exhibit hall will be there. It's not like their going to have a major construction to rip out the exhibit hall......................the real question is, will there be actual vendors selling products in the exhibit hall, and will there be "as many vendors" there as during a normal Gencon? I'm guessing there will be a reduction in the number of vendors, but like the movie Field Of Dreams, if you make Gencon, they will come. I've had my first Covid-19 shot, and I'll have my follow up second one sometime in April. So, I'll be good to attend. Next on my list, update my hotel dates tomorrow................................
Any idea when/if we will get a sense of who and how many of the usual vendors and game hosts will still be in attendance? I'm keen to go, because, GenCon, but we'd be silly to assume everything will be just like any other GenCon. I'd hate to pass the deadline for refunds/rollovers, intending to go, only to find out all of my usual favorites aren't hosting games this year.
One thing i heard elsewhere someone mentioned in regards to the EH, was a rumor he heard, that attendees may get limited to ONE Timed pass through the hall..
Is that true, and if so , how would it be checked/vetted?
Lord Dark Helmet: Lone Starr, I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. Lone Starr Space Bum: What does that make us? Lord Dark Helmet: Absolutely Nothing!
Please refrain from making wildly inflammatory statements without citing sources. In this case the only source of information about what specific policies that Gencon is enacting would come from Gencon directly (this site).
Have a nice day.
So I looked at the link you had. So someone says he got an email (from an unknown source and someone else commented that they heard it from a person they go to the con with, but no actual reference to the actual source.
So my issue is that i reject the premise of the question. You are speculating on a rumor someone on a forum posted they heard from an email they got from someone and supported by someone who heard it from someone they know.....
None of it from Gencon who have repeatedly said they will follow CDC, Federal, State and local heath experts recommendations.
Pure speculation based on no information here. No decisions have been made as has been pointed out by us on numerous occasions. We are way to far in advance of the convention to make any decisions about these sort of things.
Feel free to do one-time passes "without" vaccine. My first shot is tomorrow so I hope to be restricted as little as possible. I spent the last 12 months indoors and I'm ready to bust out.
(Editiorial Comment: Knuteski works from home and his assistant reminds him that every time he leaves the house, something goes wrong. So to be fair, he would only have gone out the equivalent of one month had their not been a pandemic).
Mike, I appreciate that you gave a real answer here and in the other thread. Thank you for verifying that it is just a rumor. That was all I was asking.
Let's roll it back here folks. It's okay to ask about it. I don't want to get into a snipe war here.
You should remember that any information about what we are doing in spaces is going to come from us, and not soon.
We are 5 almost 6 months out from the convention we don't know what it's going to look like. There are too many unknown factors.
Anyone heard any vendors that have made definite commitments to be at (or not be at) Gencon this year? In the kickstarter update this morning, Kingdom Death Monster will not be at Gencon in 2021.
Didn't know if anyone else has heard of any vendors committing one way or another on various feeds.
Most of us plan the times we go to the exhibit hall. Why not just have it be a zero cost ticketed 1 hr event? Yes, some people will go longer, others will miss the slot they picked up a ticket for. Limit ticket purchases to some set number of tickets (like 3) per person.
That would seem to create a way to avoid lines and control the number of people in the vendor hall at one time.
I did a sweep of RPG exhibitors from 2019 after the new dates were announced. Only Indie Press Revolution listed the new dates with a note that they would be there as long as it was safe to be there.