I-70 Road Closures
Posted by lhim

From 7-26 to 8-5, I-70 EB and WB will be closed in its entirety (meaning all lanes in both directions) from I-465 in the west, near the airport, to I-65 in the east (at the "South Split").

I only found out about this as way at the bottom of an email sent yesterday by GenCon headed about Of World Clothing. That was followed by Ravensburger and finally a "Oh, by the way I-70 is being closed". I could have easily missed this.

Since we are staying near the airport, this will be a royal pain.

1 Don't know how long GeCon folks have known about this but it should have been an email in its own right. Of the 122 rooms in my hotel, 116 with 239 attendees are in the same situation. Nice job.

I think an apology is in order.

2 Further, it reflects extremely poorly on INDOT's lack of coordination with large scale event groups. They also noted that additional (undisclosed) closures may occur on the weekends. Wonder if they would pull this on a Colts game or the Indy 500... (which are single day events).

3 Get your Google maps out and try planning alternate routes. INDOT's suggestion to use I-465 E to I-65 probably is bad advice as anyone - think trucks - crossing Indianapolis will clog this solid.

Enjoy the Con!

Posted by msteinbo

Hopefully Helpful Detour Tip: 
Your best bet to get downtown may not be to go around 465 and take 65 north (which would work), from the airport you could take either the Airport Perimeter road or 465 N to Airport Expressway exit.  Either way hit Sam Jones Expressway / Raymond street that parallels I-70 into downtown.  It's what I'm going to try.

Speaking as a local who commutes everyday using I-70 to get downtown, I was super bummed when I saw this news, but for some context:

1) Indy had planned on getting this done in June, but tons of rain prevented it and it moved (booo!)
2) The change to the new dates was relatively late
3) Someone else mentioned Indy doesn't really have good times for this, all times are bad and someone had to draw the short straw.  Example being Colts games in the fall have about as many attendees as Gen Con and other conventions as well as all the daily commuters like me.  
4) These road sections are bad and really need the work. 

As much as I can apologize on behalf of Indiana as a Hoosier, I apologize.  I'm a fellow impactee as well.   

Posted by brooks

As far as #2, they'd intended to complete this work in May/June but the ridiculous amount of rain during that period pushed it back until now. 

Posted by andrewj.rager

While it sucks that it is affecting Gen Con, as msteinbo said, it is necessary. It is what it is. While we may plan our whole years around Gen Con, Indiana DOT most likely does not.

Posted by lhim

My apology request was directed at GenCon LLC. Maybe they only found out yesterday, but this rises to the level of a standalone issue and should have been treated that way.

I empathize with our Indy based friends - this is an issue in every major city. No apology necessary.

As to football games - they are a single day and usually on a weekend - so while the numbers may be similar the pain is one day.

Posted by buffythecatslayer

And if you'd found out 4 weeks ago, what would you have done differently?  The road closures were announced months after housing was available, and well after most people booked their rooms.  They don't owe you an apology; road closures happen, deal with it.

Posted by lhim

My point was that it should have been a "billed" as a single email item. Yep, they told us but putting something important like major road closures at the end of trying to sell us stuff is upside down IMHO. No, I do not expect an apology for something INDOT is doing, rather its about the way we were told by GenCon.

And 4 weeks ago I could have dumped my existing reservations at no cost and found others - admitted further out.

Posted by srandrews80

I'm a south west side of indy dweller. I travel i70 to work every day and i didnt see anything about this until maybe a week and a half ago. No signs on 70 or anything till then. I agree with you though this should have been major email in its own rights. 

Posted by anedix

The following is just a note from the Indystar article, drivers be cautious coming in...

  • Thru traffic: Take I-465 southbound, to I-65 northbound, then to I-70 eastbound. 
  • From airport to downtown: Take I-70 eastbound to I-465 southbound and eastbound to I-65 northbound. 
  • From downtown to airport: Take I-65 southbound to I-465 westbound and northbound to I-70 westbound. 
  • ....and depending on traffic US40 E which becomes "Washington" -- watch for it, to downtown works too.

I am coming in from the east, so... thinking last bullet point. I came last year that way from Plainfield, worked good. A bit slower, but not bad.

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