Anyone interested in helping me organize an official or unofficial Babylon 5 Wars game ay Gencon 2019? Or playing?
My Fiance would probably love to play this! He's a huge B5 fan. Do you have the game?
A better place to post would be on a page dedicated to the B5 game, help you gauge interest.
You can create an event (or multiples) if anyone seems interested.
You shouldn’t worry about your events being accepted byGen Con. Unless you’re doing something illegal or dangerous, they pretty much approve gaming events. Just make sure to follow all the guidelines, and submit your events properly.
I and a buddy would be interested, what rules set would you use? Full thrust (or a modified variant)?
When are you looking to run it? Before convention, during convention,after convention? I might be interested.
Post the event ID back here if you submit. I'd like to try it out too.