New Release Game List
Posted by dcgragg13

Hiya! Is there a way to find out what new games are being released this year? Is there a list published? And if so, where does one find it? Thanks!!

Posted by jedikitty

BGG will have it up in June, usually the week after Origins.

Posted by brumcg

I do a RPG list of new releases on RPG Geek.  I don't have the same resources as BGG, but I do my best.

Posted by rutherfordr

BGG has an Origins Convention Preview up right now -- some of these games will also be "new" at Gen Con:

After Origins is over, BGG will post their annual Gen Con preview.

Posted by dcgragg13

Thanks everyone! Very helpful :)

Posted by andrewj.rager

Also keep an eye on BGG Twitch and the Dice Tower's Youtube during Origins. Most companies go to them to preview the upcoming games for Gen Con and both companies have day long coverage over the course of Origins previewing games coming during the summer.

Origins is the Appitizer
Gen Con is the Main Course

Posted by l scott watkins dcgragg13

dcgragg13 wrote:
Hiya! Is there a way to find out what new games are being released this year? Is there a list published? And if so, where does one find it? Thanks!!
GGI Greater Games Industry has it all.

Posted by emperordan

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