Hey guys! If this question has already been asked on here, then feel free to delete this post - but is there an ETA on when the literary guests will be announced? I noticed on the Facebook page that a lot of artists have been mentioned but there's been nothing yet about the authors. I did just glance over everything so maybe I missed that post...? Either way, I'm curious and some information would be greatly appreciated!
No ETA yet on this. Author Guest of Honor is going to be announced very soon.
Mike Boozer Customer Service & Event Team Manager Gen Con LLC
Yeah, I saw that post myself when it went live. Thanks, guys! The mods can lock/close this topic if they want.
Great guest! Looking forward to it.
ooh Mercedes Lackey. I used to read everything she wrote. I'm not sure how I drifted away, actually.
Sanderson is back! AKA the nicest man on the planet! Oooh, I'm so excited!
I'm happy that Mercedes Lackey and her husband (Larry Dixon) will be there as well. I've also read everything she's written.
Edit: just found this schedule
Dam! All of the events are sold out except for one, and I'll be playing Watch the Skies during it.