Since I'll hopefully have some time on Wednesday and Monday, does anyone have any recommendations for game/comics (after picking up my badge on Wednesday, I'd like to pick up that week's new comics if I can)/anime/sci-fi/miscellaneous geek-related shops in Indianapolis, especially downtown?
There's a comic shop right off monument square (on the eastern side street leading in, south side of the street)
monument CIRCLE, sorry...
For the Geek appeal, Rocket Fizz, If you can make it out to the northwest side of Indy, Family Time Games,
How about a game store where we can pick up dice and games and stuff ... ... oh wait ... nevermind. ;)
...assuming we're both referring to Good Games? :)
Did Hero House Comics close?
I'm glad I decided to jump back on here today - I was driving past Mass Ave Toys yesterday and it looks like they're closed for business. I don't know if they moved locations or not but I thought I'd mention that in case anyone still thought about checking it out.
There is a surprisingly large population of gaming stores in Indianapolis, I have learned by Googling it and trying to figure out how many were "close." The answer is "like a dozen." Well, close if you are coming in before Wednesday night or staying past Sunday night, that is--no way would I drive a half hour to get to a gaming store if Gen-Con were actually ongoing, of course!
Do not forget the Indianapolis comic store landmark "Comic Carnival" Lots of fond memories of the store when it was in Broad Ripple and dealing with Mark.
Mass Ave Toys moved - I forget where the new location is.
if you wanna drive, Saltire Games on the northeast side; Game Preserve has several locations but I only know the one at US 31 and Stop 12 Rd.
seconding the recs for Rocket Fizz
Someone mentioned there was a think geek store.;_ylt=AwrSbmeTHllZrg4AX51x.9w4;_ylu=X3oDMTE0djZjZXB0BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVUkyRkJUM18xBHNlYwNzYw--?d=6020+E+82nd+St+Indianapolis+IN
I forgot about that, yes, Thinkgeek at E 82nd on the northeast side, and another Thinkgeek at Greenwood Park Mall on the south side (US 31 and County Line Rd).
Just adding to all the fun stuff I will be doing on Monday and Tuesday! :D
The Think Geek store is in Castleton Square Mall about 25 minutes north of Downtown. The manager is awesome and super friendly. There are always some great sales and selection.
It's about a 20 minute drive from downtown, but Family Time Games is another great hangout.