Hello, On top of being game design nerd, my day job is at the district level in Douglas County Schools in Denver. I am involved in getting a session together for an education conference this summer. We are looking for tabletop designers to work with teachers. Here are the details if you want to share it around: http://goo.gl/1fjEnl
Thank you for whatever help you can provide, Corey
Were you involved in the trade-day discussion of how a syllabus is like game design? I saw that on a sign last year, but didn't get a chance to make the talk.
I wasn't. But it does seem fitting. Designing learning experiences that are engaging is very similar to game design. I can't wait until trade day this year.
I know designing lesson plans is very similar to planning a night's RPG game session. What's the hook, what's the stumbling block and solution, what's the conclusion?