Will you work for a space in a downtown hotel?
Posted by marimaccadmin jerrytel

jerrytel wrote:
Sorry - in no way did I mean it that way (or how I was implying as such). I was just commenting on what another had mentioned. 200 player hours is alot of hours for one person. That is all. Good luck in recruiting.

It all depends on how you run it.  If you run a 50 person game of CAH for 2 hours, that's 100 player hours.  Do it twice and that's your 200.  People definitely do that.

Posted by ladyflame

That is true, but there are already several people that run big games of it.. If it keeps getting diluted, nobody will get their hours that way anymore..

I started that craze 3 years ago and had over 200 players, now at least 3 other people run it for 20 or more in a group and my numbers have dropped because it is more spread out... :(    so that is really not feasible any longer..

That being said, a bit of creativity goes a long way :)

Posted by lore seeker woodelf

woodelf wrote:
Two thoughts:
200 player-hours of RPGs is a lot. Even if I could give a good experience for groups of 10 (which works for very few RPGs) that would still take 20 hours (probably 5 4-hr events) to rack up that time. At a more realistic group size of 6 players, you're looking at spending 34 hrs of your roughly 54 hrs (taking out sleep) at the convention running games.
I'm not in a position to take you up on this this year, but what about setting up a threshold just to get access to the hotel room? I'm not so much looking for a free room, as simply the chance to pay for one downtown. 

Yeah, to be honest this whole thing about "doing it all in a day" reeks of an Amway-style pitch to me ("Make $5,000 a month!" and outlandish stuff like that). I'm doing the math, and it just does not add up, at least not for anyone that doesn't want to treat over half their convention experience like work.

Posted by ladyflame

I didn't say you had to do it in one day, I said it could be--  I do not work my convention away, I work my ass off for 1 solid day- from about 11am to 1am... but then I am done- that's it.  That one day is so worth not fighting the hotel lottery, the badge price, the hotel price (even if you are lucky enough to get one)...    I'm sorry you don't like my idea but please don't make it sound like its impossible to potential new people, because I assure you, it isn't.


Posted by rayken lore seeker

father bloodlust wrote:
woodelf wrote:
Two thoughts:
200 player-hours of RPGs is a lot. Even if I could give a good experience for groups of 10 (which works for very few RPGs) that would still take 20 hours (probably 5 4-hr events) to rack up that time. At a more realistic group size of 6 players, you're looking at spending 34 hrs of your roughly 54 hrs (taking out sleep) at the convention running games.
I'm not in a position to take you up on this this year, but what about setting up a threshold just to get access to the hotel room? I'm not so much looking for a free room, as simply the chance to pay for one downtown. 

Yeah, to be honest this whole thing about "doing it all in a day" reeks of an Amway-style pitch to me ("Make $5,000 a month!" and outlandish stuff like that). I'm doing the math, and it just does not add up, at least not for anyone that doesn't want to treat over half their convention experience like work.

Dude, if you don't want to do it, don't do it. This person's offering hotel rooms and badges if you want to do volunteer during the con. You sound bitter, and if volunteering to play games with people is work to you, that's fine, you can stay at a hotel outside of downtown. This person is not here offering to give out rooms if you pay, and the guy you're responding to flat out denied volunteering and went straight to asking to pay for a room instead. That's not what this post is about.

Posted by jerrytel

And also - very doable for games with 10 or more players.

Example - We run Circus Imperium (4 hours x 10 = 40 hours) - so technically my son (with my help) could run that 2x on Thursday, 2x on Friday, and once on Saturday...and then be done. 20 hours of a game he loves to play and then still have the additional convention time to do as he wants.

Roleplaying games are a bit more investing - where you would need basically 32 hours (4 hours x 6 = 24 hours).

Again - all of it definitely doable and it would not take up your entire convention. The key I think is that you do want it to be someting you enjoy because you are the GM and the players may not know the game. I stay away from groups that drop a game on the table and walk away. When I run a game, I am there for the entire time 'running' the game.

Posted by ladyflame

Thank you Jerry and Rayken-- I appreciate you understanding what I am offering isn't impossible or even improbable-- we have already recruited a couple new GMs who are very excited to have the opportunity at a FREE downtown hotel space...  Running games they love and wanted to play anyway  win/win!

Posted by ladyflame

Also at any GM's that had to cancel events due to lack of room space - we are happy to take you on as well.. 

Posted by rayken

No problem Ladyflame, the entitlement of some posters startles me, I was basically reading "NO I don't want to volunteer my whole convention and turn it into work... Btw can I just pay for the hotel room and still have it anyway?"

These threads aren't for people just walking over people for hotel rooms. 

Posted by lore seeker rayken

the evil lord rayken wrote:
No problem Ladyflame, the entitlement of some posters startles me, I was basically reading "NO I don't want to volunteer my whole convention and turn it into work... Btw can I just pay for the hotel room and still have it anyway?"
These threads aren't for people just walking over people for hotel rooms. 

Actually, I've got a decent room (not downtown, but damn close). I'm just warning people I smell BS here. Don't want to listen? Hey, it's your shoe.

Posted by ladyflame lore seeker

father bloodlust wrote:
the evil lord rayken wrote:
No problem Ladyflame, the entitlement of some posters startles me, I was basically reading "NO I don't want to volunteer my whole convention and turn it into work... Btw can I just pay for the hotel room and still have it anyway?"
These threads aren't for people just walking over people for hotel rooms. 

Actually, I've got a decent room (not downtown, but damn close). I'm just warning people I smell BS here. Don't want to listen? Hey, it's your shoe.
That's great, but I don't know why you keep insisting this isn't possible to do easily when several different people on here, not including myself, have explained how it can be done.  If you are not interested, fine, but please leave it to the people who are interested to at least talk to me bbefore you warn them away from me...

Posted by ladyflame

Marian-- I got spammed, lol...

Posted by brotherbock jerrytel

jerrytel wrote:
Sorry - in no way did I mean it that way (or how I was implying as such). I was just commenting on what another had mentioned. 200 player hours is alot of hours for one person. That is all. Good luck in recruiting.

Gen Con comps an entire room at 800 player-hours. Four people per room, that's 200 player-hours per person. That's just the standard for Gen Con, has been for a while. It is hard to make that with RPGs, yes. Back when Vampire LARPs were everywhere...those dudes were raking in the comped hotels. Bring in 200 people for a 4 hour game (where they bring their own characters and plots and you just adjudicate), and you're set for the rest of the Con.

RPGs is another story. Our group has talked to the GC staff about this for years, through many staff members. For a while they wanted just to do hours, if I recall. Player-Hours isn't perfect, but there's no good alternative. It does allow, however, for the people who teach a two hour boardgame to two groups of 6 people to get the same consideration as one GM who runs an RPG for 6 people for 4 hours. (I am not slamming anyone with that, but it's true the RPG judge will put in more work...you just need to love what you're doing, and not do it for the comping, that's my take on it).

In the past, when previous staff members were in place, we were told that they would consider looking at things like the effort you were putting into running a game when they determined if you were eligible for compensation. I am not sure if that is the case anymore. But when they were doing just straight hours, I remember sending all the files from one entire 30+ player 4 hour LARP I had written to the staff, to show them why that game should maybe count for more than a 4 hour 6 player game. They listened. But that was a while ago, I don't know the policy anymore.

Posted by brotherbock lore seeker

father bloodlust wrote:
the evil lord rayken wrote:
No problem Ladyflame, the entitlement of some posters startles me, I was basically reading "NO I don't want to volunteer my whole convention and turn it into work... Btw can I just pay for the hotel room and still have it anyway?"
These threads aren't for people just walking over people for hotel rooms. 

Actually, I've got a decent room (not downtown, but damn close). I'm just warning people I smell BS here. Don't want to listen? Hey, it's your shoe.

OP is only using the very same player-hour calculations GC uses to comp rooms. Their group (like any group) gets a room comped from GC, a 4 person room, at 800 player hours. So, a 4 person room, 800 player-hours, that's 200 player-hours per person.

That's the rate GC comps rooms at. That's the rate OP is passing along to GMs.

There's no hidden math, no tricks. Player-hours work better for some types of games than others, yes. But that's how it's run. It *can* be done in one day, although, yeah...it's work.

Thousands of people, maybe tens of thousands, GM (and volunteer with exhibitors) every year to afford to come to the Con.

BS. Right.

Posted by grtbrt

There is no hidden math or even BS regarding this . I am the EO for the Group that puts on Gencon's largest number of miniature games (19 & One) . It does work out as our GM's know.
However its important to remember that the 200 hours only entitles you to 1/4 of a room - you must share with 3 others !! most rooms have only 2 beds . and most cots are already spoken for .
So you may be stuck with someone not to your liking . a very heavy snorer can ruin any sleep ,let alone if you are the lucky person sleeping on a chair .

It can be done and ,many do it ,just be aware of a potential pit fall .   If you don't mind the randomness of roommates or if you and your friends can do the 800 hours -Well worth it .

Not trying to rain on the parade-merely bringing up something that volunteers may not have thought of . Better to know up front ,than be surprized and upset at this (or any ) gaming group for something beyond their immediate control.


Posted by boc_mage

i volunteer part time since my first con (this is year 5 for me) to help defray cost. I already travel with a group so the hotel isn't the main thing. I get compensated fairly well but it comes out monetarily to around $8-10 during con. That doesn't take into account the prep work and test i take in order to volunteer for my chosen game. I do it because i support the game and want to see it run. The defrayment of cost (badge and other goodies) helps me quite a bit though.

For comparison not including pre con time spent (1-3 hours) i spend around 15 hours during con volunteering to qualify.

Posted by arsenalnra

Do you still need people. I know I would be interested and my wife may be interested as well.

Posted by ladyflame arsenalnra

arsenalnra wrote:
Do you still need people. I know I would be interested and my wife may be interested as well.
Appreciated, but we are past the deadline for it at this time, however, if you are interested in working possiby for a badge this year, we MAY be able to still accommodate that- would have to check for sure :)

Please let me know-

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