I somehow managed to get a ticket to the event this year (3rd time's the charm) so I'm wondering how many people are doing this as a group and how many will need to find a groups of 5 others to join with. I'm going to be part of Track A (yeah, early morning Thursday!).
A related question would be about the remaining time slots (Fri: Noon-4pm & 9pm-1am, and Sat: Noon-4pm according to the event info). Are these set in stone so I can plan around them or are they subject to change?
Character requirement looks like a level 5 start. Are there any things we need to be aware of that wouldn't be considered "legal" by game standards but are included as part of the AL?
Wavester might be the authoritative source, but generally, for organized play like D&D XP, you need to have a character of the appropriate level to participate. So, if you have a ticket, but no org play character, you might be out of luck.
For other info, check out http://dnd.wizards.com/playevents/organized-play
Note, Lost Mines of Phandelvar is an AL authorized game that is okay for home play, and should get you the levels needed to play in the DDXP track.
So if you don't have a legal character, try to find someone local or online (possibly through something like roll20) that would be willing to run that event and it should level you up to 5+ before the start of Gencon.
I know a friend and I both managed to get in, and we're only a group of two. I'm figuring to post up on a few different forums leading up to Gencon to see if we can find others that have DDXP Track B tickets, whom also have a play style and planned character that would likely fit well with the two of us.
I figure it's probably going to help everyone at the event if a little bit of mustering can be done before Thursday morning.
Pre planning is going to be a big help unless you've got a binder full of potential characters to run, lol. How much fun could be had with a table full of people who only wanted play a certain class.
Given the AL play requirement there could be some balance issues cropping up or worse yet you get hung with a random group of all A personality types who want to be in charge :)
According to Wavester, Baldman Games will also have their own forum where players for these event can organize groups themselves. And the AL material that's legal for home play includes the Lost Mines of Phandelver (that should get 4-5 PCs to Level 4 or 5) and any of the Hardcover adventures from seasons 1-4... if I'm not mistaken. I DM every other week but it's at our FLGS. I'll find out for sure and Edit accordingly. At one point and time, ANY legal AL Material played at home or online was legal if you either streamed it in Twitch or put a video of it up on Youtube. Also, I believe this is the case with AL Legal modules purchased in the DM's Guild.
Great news Aehrlon! I got the email from them with the link to their website and forums so I'll have to check that out once I get home.
Yes this means that (possibly) apart from the "exclusives" in the Experience tracks you can just download and play the Baldman trilogy mods being run at Gen Con after the convention for the low price of a couple dollar download fee. Kinda puts a new perspective on the whole "are the Experience tracks worth the cost" discussion.