Just a heads-up as everyone is getting ready for to Click the Button: the Wednesday pre-con "by fans, for fans" events are now live.
Trade Day is also in there, too, but if anyone is arriving the day before and looking for something to do, stop by the Union Station and jump in. All Wednesday games are free, so get gaming.
- Derek Guder Event Manager Gen Con LLC
can anyone attend these events?
Wednesday events, yes. Trade Day events, no, only with a Trade Day badge.
Marian McBrine Event Coordinator Gen Con LLC
Everyone attending Wednesday events should have a badge valid on Thursday (so either a 4-day or Thursday badge) and we encourage everyone to get tickets, but since not everyone will have had a chance to go through Will Call yet, they're not strictly enforced.
To be clear, the intent is to provide something for Gen Con attendees to play if they show up early, not a general attraction for non-attendees. Try to honor that.