Event meant specifically for bullying
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Posted by lore seeker joegamer

joegamer wrote:
What ever happened to sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.

What happened is that philosophy was always bullshit to begin with.

Posted by jlambert346 watchdog

watchdog wrote:While I'm almost positive the people running this seminar have no legal obligation to compensate or get permission from the authors, I also doubt they even attempted to clear it with the authors as a courtesy.

Commentary, criticism and parody are considered "fair use" under copyright law.  On the other hand, it is much less likely fan fiction authors obtained the REQUIRED permission (not courtesy) from the original authors.   

And in this case it appears the works being used at this event were originally intended as parody.

Posted by joegamer lore seeker

father bloodlust wrote:
joegamer wrote:
What ever happened to sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.

What happened is that philosophy was always bullshit to begin with.
You don't want people to criticize because its bulling and yet you criticize what I have to say and in a mean fashion. So its OK that your a bully but not anyone else?

Posted by linkn mhayward1978

mhayward1978 wrote:I also hope that they have cleared their use of the authors copyrighted material as a courtesy.  

To be fair, I imagine many authors of the really bad fanfics that they'd be reading may not be reachable - either because those authors don't stick around for long, or because they've likely disowned the work in question if they've gone on to better writing.

I do think it would be appropriate for them to make an effort to get in touch with the author before reading it, and give the author a chance to request it not be read (and of course, honor any such requests), but I also think that just because an author is unreachable isn't enough reason to not read such a fanfic, especially if it's just -that- bad.

Posted by brotherbock joegamer

joegamer wrote:
What ever happened to sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. People made fun of me because I played D&D. Now they make fun of me because they say I'm to old to play video games. Who cares what other people think or say? I do things because I like to do them, not because it's what other people think I should do. What your saying is every movie critic, book critic, restaurant critic and any other critic are bully's!! Yet you are criticizing the Gen Con Staff by saying they don't care and its all about money for them. Doesn't that make you, by your own words, the Bully now?!? (See when you point your finger at someone you have three more fingers pointing at you)
I thing everyone should have a right to share there opinion at home or anywhere else.

So what you're saying is that you didn't read my post at all. 

Fair enough. Any view when added to sufficiently ignorant privilege is unassailable by means of reason. Have fun in your world. 

Posted by brotherbock jlambert346

jlambert346 wrote:
watchdog wrote:While I'm almost positive the people running this seminar have no legal obligation to compensate or get permission from the authors, I also doubt they even attempted to clear it with the authors as a courtesy.

Commentary, criticism and parody are considered "fair use" under copyright law.  On the other hand, it is much less likely fan fiction authors obtained the REQUIRED permission (not courtesy) from the original authors.   And in this case it appears the works being used at this event were originally intended as parody.

Fair use has limits. It will depend on how much they read, and what exactly they say about it. If they were to attack the author instead of the writing, and read a significant amount, it could easily constitute an a unauthorized public performance. 

And the fact that the fanfic author herself might be in violation does not mean that the resulting creation is still not copyright protected. 

Posted by wjmacguffin brotherbock

brotherbock wrote:So yeah, criticism without abuse is possible. But is it likely, in *this* instance, if something not trollfic ends up on the list? A crowd of bloodthirsty people primed for mocking. That won't stop at just the work. Professional critics often can't stop at just the work. A mob won't do better. 
I could offer up a SPA event that consisted of a group of us taking pics of 'bad cosplay' at the con, blur out faces when we show the pics, and say "we're only going to criticize their clothing, not the person themselves." Would that fly? 

For me, there are generally three levels of concern about any GenCon event: 

  1. The event sounds just peachy (like your basic D&D event)
  2. The event sounds sketchy (like this one)
  3. The event sounds like bullshit (like the Blissology sales seminar)

I think sketchy events deserve extra attention before accepting or rejecting them, but I like the idea of letting people decide if they want to go, not GenCon's employees. So yes, I would accept your SPA cosplay mocking event. But no, I would not attend it. To me, there's a difference between something clearly wrong and something that *could* go wrong. 

This thread feels like it's going in circles, so I won't respond to this one anymore. (Just so y'all know before quoting me.)

But before I leave, I want to thank you, Brotherbock! Seriously, we managed to debate this hot topic while staying respectful and interesting. I see your points, and while I don't agree with all of them, I can tell you're focused on keeping people safe. That's awesome. Thanks for being polite. :)

Posted by brotherbock wjmacguffin

wjmacguffin wrote:
brotherbock wrote:So yeah, criticism without abuse is possible. But is it likely, in *this* instance, if something not trollfic ends up on the list? A crowd of bloodthirsty people primed for mocking. That won't stop at just the work. Professional critics often can't stop at just the work. A mob won't do better. 
I could offer up a SPA event that consisted of a group of us taking pics of 'bad cosplay' at the con, blur out faces when we show the pics, and say "we're only going to criticize their clothing, not the person themselves." Would that fly? 

For me, there are generally three levels of concern about any GenCon event: 

  1. The event sounds just peachy (like your basic D&D event)
  2. The event sounds sketchy (like this one)
  3. The event sounds like bullshit (like the Blissology sales seminar)

I think sketchy events deserve extra attention before accepting or rejecting them, but I like the idea of letting people decide if they want to go, not GenCon's employees. So yes, I would accept your SPA cosplay mocking event. But no, I would not attend it. To me, there's a difference between something clearly wrong and something that *could* go wrong. This thread feels like it's going in circles, so I won't respond to this one anymore. (Just so y'all know before quoting me.)
But before I leave, I want to thank you, Brotherbock! Seriously, we managed to debate this hot topic while staying respectful and interesting. I see your points, and while I don't agree with all of them, I can tell you're focused on keeping people safe. That's awesome. Thanks for being polite. :)

Thank you too, brother :) 

It's a very tough call to make when you're balancing free speech versus something like abuse. GC would be within their rights to restrict events in that way, as a private company and event. It comes down in part to what kind of person you, or they, want to be. (And again, this event seems tamer than originally worried, so I'm not pointing actual fingers.) You and I wouldn't want to be someone who would go to, or put on, an event like that. And the folks at GC have to make that same decision except they have to also ask if they want to be the sort of people to allow that to happen in their house. And they usually make good calls, because they're good people :) 

But I don't think I'd want to go to a show that allowed that costume event I made up. I wouldn't allow it at a show that had my name on it. That's not to say someone is bad if they would. Just not the call I'd make. 

Peace :) 

Posted by msbliss wjmacguffin

wjmacguffin wrote:
brotherbock wrote:So yeah, criticism without abuse is possible. But is it likely, in *this* instance, if something not trollfic ends up on the list? A crowd of bloodthirsty people primed for mocking. That won't stop at just the work. Professional critics often can't stop at just the work. A mob won't do better. 
I could offer up a SPA event that consisted of a group of us taking pics of 'bad cosplay' at the con, blur out faces when we show the pics, and say "we're only going to criticize their clothing, not the person themselves." Would that fly? 

For me, there are generally three levels of concern about any GenCon event: 

  1. The event sounds just peachy (like your basic D&D event)
  2. The event sounds sketchy (like this one)
  3. The event sounds like bullshit (like the Blissology sales seminar)

I think sketchy events deserve extra attention before accepting or rejecting them, but I like the idea of letting people decide if they want to go, not GenCon's employees. So yes, I would accept your SPA cosplay mocking event. But no, I would not attend it. To me, there's a difference between something clearly wrong and something that *could* go wrong. This thread feels like it's going in circles, so I won't respond to this one anymore. (Just so y'all know before quoting me.)
But before I leave, I want to thank you, Brotherbock! Seriously, we managed to debate this hot topic while staying respectful and interesting. I see your points, and while I don't agree with all of them, I can tell you're focused on keeping people safe. That's awesome. Thanks for being polite. :)

Sadly you must not have read anything about my work with Blissology. I suppose you haven't bothered to check out the website either. I taught both my Archetype class and the into to Blissology last year to a small class and everyone in attendance gave me outstanding feedback. If you don't want to know anything more about how to love, nurture, and connect with women then don't come but it's super unkind to bash what you have no idea about and even worse to sabotage someones genuine hard work to make a positive difference in the world.

I have taught my class to many very satisfied participants in NYC, FL, CA, NV, and in Australia. People pay $199 per couple to come to my classes. To get an intro to my work for $4 is pretty much like getting it for free. I have spend 12 years studying brain chemistry and how my technique can reduce stress and increase connection, love and a peaceful life in relationship. The society we live in is wrought with, stress, worry, and struggles of every kind.  Those stresses can negatively effect you love life and in some cases destroy love that was there in the beginning.  Knowing new ways to nurture a woman in your life can make a significant difference. I am dedicated to my work because I have seen it make a real difference in people's lives. I have paid more than $10,000 to study and test what I do so I can show verifiable results in minutes.

Sadly the uninformed attacks of my classes got them cancelled a couple of hours before registration. Thankfully they are back up and available for registration but not in time for the masses of people who were choosing their schedules. If my event is bullshit to you that's fine, you don't even know what it is, but to ruin the chance for anyone else who might want to know more about how to connect and create a happier love life...well, that's crap.

Posted by jessicalprice

You love, nurture, and connect with women the same way you love, nurture, and connect with anyone else: by treating us as individual and unique humans, not as some sort of computers you can hack. 

Take your misogynist bullshit elsewhere. 

Posted by monkeyknifefight jessicalprice

jessicalprice wrote:
You love, nurture, and connect with women the same way you love, nurture, and connect with anyone else: by treating us as individual and unique humans, not as some sort of computers you can hack. 
Take your misogynist bullshit elsewhere. 
I have a hard time understanding how a woman helping men understand women could be considered misogynist.

Posted by uncacreamy monkeyknifefight

monkeyknifefight wrote:
jessicalprice wrote:
You love, nurture, and connect with women the same way you love, nurture, and connect with anyone else: by treating us as individual and unique humans, not as some sort of computers you can hack. 
Take your misogynist bullshit elsewhere. 
I have a hard time understanding how a woman helping men understand women could be considered misogynist.

It's really hard to unpack this without going too far afield, but in essence.... understanding women comes down to talking to one and listening to what she says. The same with understanding men. This course sounds more like 'how to pacify your shrew' instead, wrapped up in New Age doublespeak (something I have a lifetime of sorting through and decoding). If it were a 'how to communicate with one another' class, or even a 'how not to be deeply offensive to women' thing, I'd be behind it, but it's not about people communicating with one another, it's about how men can talk to women and get a result they want.  That thing? That's horrible.

Posted by egirl1123 msbliss

msbliss wrote:
wjmacguffin wrote:
brotherbock wrote:So yeah, criticism without abuse is possible. But is it likely, in *this* instance, if something not trollfic ends up on the list? A crowd of bloodthirsty people primed for mocking. That won't stop at just the work. Professional critics often can't stop at just the work. A mob won't do better. 
I could offer up a SPA event that consisted of a group of us taking pics of 'bad cosplay' at the con, blur out faces when we show the pics, and say "we're only going to criticize their clothing, not the person themselves." Would that fly? 

For me, there are generally three levels of concern about any GenCon event: 

  1. The event sounds just peachy (like your basic D&D event)
  2. The event sounds sketchy (like this one)
  3. The event sounds like bullshit (like the Blissology sales seminar)

I think sketchy events deserve extra attention before accepting or rejecting them, but I like the idea of letting people decide if they want to go, not GenCon's employees. So yes, I would accept your SPA cosplay mocking event. But no, I would not attend it. To me, there's a difference between something clearly wrong and something that *could* go wrong. This thread feels like it's going in circles, so I won't respond to this one anymore. (Just so y'all know before quoting me.)
But before I leave, I want to thank you, Brotherbock! Seriously, we managed to debate this hot topic while staying respectful and interesting. I see your points, and while I don't agree with all of them, I can tell you're focused on keeping people safe. That's awesome. Thanks for being polite. :)
Sadly you must not have read anything about my work with Blissology. I suppose you haven't bothered to check out the website either. I taught both my Archetype class and the into to Blissology last year to a small class and everyone in attendance gave me outstanding feedback. If you don't want to know anything more about how to love, nurture, and connect with women then don't come but it's super unkind to bash what you have no idea about and even worse to sabotage someones genuine hard work to make a positive difference in the world.I have taught my class to many very satisfied participants in NYC, FL, CA, NV, and in Australia. People pay $199 per couple to come to my classes. To get an intro to my work for $4 is pretty much like getting it for free. I have spend 12 years studying brain chemistry and how my technique can reduce stress and increase connection, love and a peaceful life in relationship. The society we live in is wrought with, stress, worry, and struggles of every kind.  Those stresses can negatively effect you love life and in some cases destroy love that was there in the beginning.  Knowing new ways to nurture a woman in your life can make a significant difference. I am dedicated to my work because I have seen it make a real difference in people's lives. I have paid more than $10,000 to study and test what I do so I can show verifiable results in minutes.
Sadly the uninformed attacks of my classes got them cancelled a couple of hours before registration. Thankfully they are back up and available for registration but not in time for the masses of people who were choosing their schedules. If my event is bullshit to you that's fine, you don't even know what it is, but to ruin the chance for anyone else who might want to know more about how to connect and create a happier love life...well, that's crap.
Okay, fine. Let's say that you're not a woman who is teaching men to essentially be "pickup artists," which is how I initially interpreted your "Beyond the Game - Real Connection with Women" event (partially because it has very similar language to PUA literature). What exactly does this event have to do with gaming? What does it have to do with GenCon at all? I've seen lots of seminars and workshops that are not exclusively gaming/nerd-related, but nothing that is this far out. The only 'connection' I see is that you're essentially trying to help men find a partner for their gaming lifestyle, but that's a stretch at best.

I run a dating ghostwriting service to assist people in their online dating profiles and messaging. I have a dating coach on board to assist with 'mock dates' to provide feedback on an individual's dating style. I would never in a million years think that anything to do with my company is suitable for GenCon, and I specifically help guys find gamer girlfriends on OkCupid (keywords to search, good first messages), which is more closely related than Blissology. I'm running a LARP to get my free badge, not a sales seminar. 

Also, your website is terribly edited. Don't go on about being highly educated and knowing brain chemistry when you don't even know how to spell "ecstasy" right. The drug is spell the same way as the word, not "Exstacy."  

Posted by wjmacguffin msbliss

msbliss wrote:Sadly you must not have read anything about my work with Blissology. I suppose you haven't bothered to check out the website either. I taught both my Archetype class and the into to Blissology last year to a small class and everyone in attendance gave me outstanding feedback. If you don't want to know anything more about how to love, nurture, and connect with women then don't come but it's super unkind to bash what you have no idea about and even worse to sabotage someones genuine hard work to make a positive difference in the world.I have taught my class to many very satisfied participants in NYC, FL, CA, NV, and in Australia. People pay $199 per couple to come to my classes. To get an intro to my work for $4 is pretty much like getting it for free. I have spend 12 years studying brain chemistry and how my technique can reduce stress and increase connection, love and a peaceful life in relationship. The society we live in is wrought with, stress, worry, and struggles of every kind.  Those stresses can negatively effect you love life and in some cases destroy love that was there in the beginning.  Knowing new ways to nurture a woman in your life can make a significant difference. I am dedicated to my work because I have seen it make a real difference in people's lives. I have paid more than $10,000 to study and test what I do so I can show verifiable results in minutes.
Sadly the uninformed attacks of my classes got them cancelled a couple of hours before registration. Thankfully they are back up and available for registration but not in time for the masses of people who were choosing their schedules. If my event is bullshit to you that's fine, you don't even know what it is, but to ruin the chance for anyone else who might want to know more about how to connect and create a happier love life...well, that's crap.

Actually, I did visit your site. A friend pointed your workshop out to me, so I checked out beherhero.com to figure out why she had a huge problem with it. I quickly saw a few problems: 

  1. This has absolutely nothing to do with gaming. Throwing in a line saying, "Gaming is more fun when you have someone to share it with" doesn't make it appropriate for a gaming convention any more than a workshop advertising ice cream because "Gaming is more fun when you have ice cream." Both are true. Neither makes that workshop about gaming or geek culture.
  2. It feeds into several offensive stereotypes about gender, such as women are so complex and difficult to understand and men are dumb and need help understanding what women want. Seriously, this reeks of pickup artist bullshit. I don't just find Blissology to be unrelated to GenCon, I find it offensive. And I'm not the only one. 
  3. It's focused solely on men touching women. There's nothing about women understanding men better, or men with men, or women with women. Just one piece of the spectrum.
  4. People are different and varied. Any claim to understand "What women wish men knew" is going to be lopsided at best and most likely inaccurate.
  5. From your website: "If you think: 'Oh I got that, she is very happy in that department' ...." That is clearly a veiled sexual comment. I'm a big fan of sex, but I'm NOT a fan of a workshop at GenCon about it. And if it doesn't have sexual overtones, why is this workshop only for 18+? If a workshop about men touching women is inappropriate for teenagers, then it's inappropriate period. 

Another line from your site: "[Blissology] is highly effective at making women feel amazing." Yep. No sexual connotation there. Not at all. 

Listen, I'm sure you spent a lot of time and money putting this all together. I'm equally sure you have training and education. None of that matters. A skilled plumber or a Ph.D. in Theology has all of that too. That doesn't mean a workshop from them is automatically good. I never addressed you as a person; just your workshop. 

For the record, I never compained to GenCon about your workshop. But I'm sure as hell glad some people did.

This workshop is going to teach men how to touch women. Let me say that again, because it's the crux of why I think this is bullshit: WKS1690555 is a workshop about how men need to touch women to make women feel good. Now, will someone please explain to me what the hell this is doing at GenCon?


Posted by uncacreamy wjmacguffin

wjmacguffin wrote:
msbliss wrote:Sadly you must not have read anything about my work with Blissology. I suppose you haven't bothered to check out the website either. I taught both my Archetype class and the into to Blissology last year to a small class and everyone in attendance gave me outstanding feedback. If you don't want to know anything more about how to love, nurture, and connect with women then don't come but it's super unkind to bash what you have no idea about and even worse to sabotage someones genuine hard work to make a positive difference in the world.I have taught my class to many very satisfied participants in NYC, FL, CA, NV, and in Australia. People pay $199 per couple to come to my classes. To get an intro to my work for $4 is pretty much like getting it for free. I have spend 12 years studying brain chemistry and how my technique can reduce stress and increase connection, love and a peaceful life in relationship. The society we live in is wrought with, stress, worry, and struggles of every kind.  Those stresses can negatively effect you love life and in some cases destroy love that was there in the beginning.  Knowing new ways to nurture a woman in your life can make a significant difference. I am dedicated to my work because I have seen it make a real difference in people's lives. I have paid more than $10,000 to study and test what I do so I can show verifiable results in minutes.
Sadly the uninformed attacks of my classes got them cancelled a couple of hours before registration. Thankfully they are back up and available for registration but not in time for the masses of people who were choosing their schedules. If my event is bullshit to you that's fine, you don't even know what it is, but to ruin the chance for anyone else who might want to know more about how to connect and create a happier love life...well, that's crap.

Actually, I did visit your site. A friend pointed your workshop out to me, so I checked out beahero.com to figure out why she had a huge problem with it. I quickly saw a few problems: 

  1. This has absolutely nothing to do with gaming. Throwing in a line saying, "Gaming is more fun when you have someone to share it with" doesn't make it appropriate for a gaming convention any more than a workshop advertising ice cream because "Gaming is more fun when you have ice cream." Both are true. Neither makes that workshop about gaming or geek culture.
  2. It feeds into several offensive stereotypes about gender, such as women are so complex and difficult to understand and men are dumb and need help understanding what women want. Seriously, this reeks of pickup artist bullshit. I don't just find Blissology to be unrelated to GenCon, I find it offensive. And I'm not the only one. 
  3. It's focused solely on men touching women. There's nothing about women understanding men better, or men with men, or women with women. Just one piece of the spectrum.
  4. People are different and varied. Any claim to understand "What women wish men knew" is going to be lopsided at best and most likely inaccurate.
  5. From your website: "If you think: 'Oh I got that, she is very happy in that department' ...." That is clearly a veiled sexual comment. I'm a big fan of sex, but I'm NOT a fan of a workshop at GenCon about it. And if it doesn't have sexual overtones, why is this workshop only for 18+? If a workshop about men touching women is inappropriate for teenagers, then it's inappropriate period. 

Another line from your site: "[Blissology] is highly effective at making women feel amazing." Yep. No sexual connotation there. Not at all. Listen, I'm sure you spent a lot of time and money putting this all together. I'm equally sure you have training and education. None of that matters. A skilled plumber or a Ph.D. in Theology has all of that too. That doesn't mean a workshop from them is automatically good. I never addressed you as a person; just your workshop. 
For the record, I never compained to GenCon about your workshop. But I'm sure as hell glad some people did.
This workshop is going to teach men how to touch women. Let me say that again, because it's the crux of why I think this is bullshit: WKS1690555 is a workshop about how men need to touch women to make women feel good. Now, will someone please explain to me what the hell this is doing at GenCon?

What I really don't understand is why they put it back. They took this offensive thing down for 'review' and then put it back up. I'm starting to wonder if they mean all the rhetoric about it being a safe convention at all.  With the kinds of issues women have at conventions, or in the gaming community, an event that says 'here's the way women want you to touch them, go ahead, they'll love it' is not something we need certain kinds of men taking. 

But I guess I'm over sensitive. I think the "spouse" designation for some of the events (many of which are indistinguishable from 'workshop' events) is outdated and stereotypical also.

Posted by wjmacguffin uncacreamy

uncacreamy wrote:With the kinds of issues women have at conventions, or in the gaming community, an event that says 'here's the way women want you to touch them, go ahead, they'll love it' is not something we need certain kinds of men taking. 

That right there. Mega that. And no, you're not being oversensitive about this. You're being correct. 

Posted by indigopet

From twitter:
Deanna Morea @TheBlissologist bliss-ol-o-gy (noun) The art of taking a woman from b*tch to bliss to bed: Requires no diamonds, chocolate or batteries. Even if you don't know the right words.

WOOHOO! only $4!!! Sign me up!!!!

Here's some great info from one of her articles:Be sure and keep yourself in prime condition. Keep your appearance nice and trim, while staying in shape and taking care of yourself.Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4485304

Hope y'all are working out!! 

Posted by brotherbock

 I will broadly say that I share many reservations about 'system' workshops in general, including things many people accept like Reiki stuff and 'beat the stock market with my system' stuff. I'm 

Let me just point out that the objection that it's not gamer related doesn't seem to carry significant weight if this is a SPA sort of event. I have a friend who has run zoomba events at GenCon before, definitely not gamer related, as that's somewhat the point of the category. I've considered offering self defense events. Gencon has opened the door to non gamer events. 

I'm only addressing that very specific issue, though. 

Edit: okay, the Twitter thing just posted is repulsive, flat out. A Gencon event designed to make sure that women aren't 'bitches'? 

Posted by marimaccadmin

Here's Gen Con statement regarding this issue:

The events team posted the initial event because the organizer had run workshops previously. We then decided to pull the event in question after we received feedback that there were concerns of it being related to the PUA community, and the events team is not interested in offering those type of events. A Gen Con staff member contacted the event organizer, and her concerns were lessened as the event was described to not be a PUA event or related to that community. The event was reposted with language clarifying its intent, based on feedback from the event organizer. However, after further review of the event’s history outside of Gen Con, the team has decided to cancel it. If you have any additional concerns regarding Gen Con 2016 events, please email [email protected].

Marian McBrine
Event Coordinator
Gen Con LLC

Posted by garhkal

kysp wrote:
This is really bad.
Fan fiction (while sometimes celebrated as a guilty pleasure and a festival of bad writing by people in the community, who have that right) is somebody's creation. It's sad and wrong to discourage people from making things, and by no huge coincidence, those people are typically female.
I don't like Gen Con's reasons why this is OK.

Strange..  Over on the Gateworld forums (and several others) the majority of fan fic writers i know of are male.  So i am not sure how you get that 'most fan fic authors are typically gals'..
jcirillo1971 wrote
And most REAL authors don't approve of the intellectual theft of their characters being used in fan faction...but that is a different argument entirely which has nothing to do with GenCon.

While i wouldn't have put it that way, its a good point.  What makes fan fic authors ok to snag creative content often without permission, but people critiquing those same authors not ok??
raidkillsbugsded wrote:
After reading through these posts once again and thinking about it more:
So can any scathing, acidic review of a movie, book, album, art be considered bullying?    I'm not saying that I agree with 'tearing apart' or ridiculing someone's work/creation; if you don't like it, don't watch it read it, look at it, but it is fairly standard fare that when you make art (of whatever sort) and then put it out for public display/consumption, it may be lambasted by those who don't like it (for whatever reason).

Valid point Raidkills..  People critique actors, film writers, authors all the time.  So what makes it ok to critique them but not fan fic authors? 
a0ashle wrote:
I am not sure why the comparison to widely distributed professional media is being made and used to justify this event, but fan fiction is an amateur hobby, way different then the other examples cited here. It's like going to a track meet with the sole intention of laughing at the slowest runner... that's more Mean Girls then MST3K to me. 

Plenty of comedians and singers get their kick offs by DOING those amateur hobby nights.  And they get critiqued like heck.  Doesn't mean its mean to do so.
a0ashle wrote:Isn't that exactly what a description is for? Describing the event?

Yes it is.  BUT imo what Rbree is trying to make the point of, is wanting something 'banned for being bad' just based on a short description about it, is like saying "we should stop person XYZ showing up to the convention cause someone's described him thusly, without actually seeing him/her in action to make a proper appraisal.. 
thejoltess wrote:
I actually e-mailed the event organizer and the event is essentially what I suspect; it is showcasing the literally, offensively bad fan fiction that are probably either crackfics or trollfics. They aren't naming authors or trying to make anyone feel bad, they just want to laugh at some completely absurd things. And by absurd, they mean stuff like Lara Croft making love to a raptor, not someone's Spirk or a Harry Potter wish fullfilment fic or a Dr Who AU. One of the stories they have was disowned by the author, who also put up disclaimers/warnings along with the fic. Hope this sheds some light on what the spirit of this event is.

Well to me at least that should put a crimp down on the negativity this event seems to have generated.


Continued next post

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