This is where you want to post if you find an ERROR in the event list; say, a game is running 16 hours, or it looks like the title and the description don't agree, or it seems like the price is wrong, that sort of thing.
Please note that NOT HAVING A LOCATION is NOT AN ERROR. Not yet. We'll let you know when that's an issue. Nor is just having as a location "ICC" an issue, yet. What would be an error location now would be if you saw a location that was clearly incorrect, such as ICC, Senate II (Senate II being a room in the Westin), or possibly, if you notice two events in the same room at the same time.
So if you find anything that appears to be an error, please do let us know here so we can take a look at it and fix it if need be.
The event catalog link is broken. It's raising a 404 error.
It will not be active until noon.
Hi, my location is listed as "Location: Union Station :: Wabash." (LRP1687515) I thought that Wabash was in the ICC, so could this be in error? I'm a first time GM, so apologies if I have this wrong.
There's a Wabash in the Union Station as well - certain names are very popular around the Indy area.
- Derek Guder Event Manager Gen Con LLC
Thanks for the clarification, Derek!
Gamers Live IN SPACE!!! is listed as both starting and ending at 12:00 PM on Saturday.
EDIT: The "Premier Seating" tickets for this event appear to show the correct time.
Thanks for the catch. The error has now been fixed.
The Death to Jeopardy trade day events are listed on Thursday. I hope this isn't an error, because the 1:00 Wednesday space has great choices already, but since trade day has its own day, I thought it might be weird.
The event ordering is off in some places. Look at Island of Misfit Events, Event Title Starting with P, for example. Where the events have the same name (Pitch Your Game) the ordering should then be by day, then time (I'm assuming). It's ordered randomly, or by some key we can't see. With this example, some Sunday times come before Thursday, and then later Thursday appears after Sunday.
That's not strictly an error with the events, that's just a display oddity.
Unfortunately, the event search doesn't sort based on day or time by default (thought you can click on that column to do so). It sorts by name by default, and then I believe event ID.
SEM1691782, Cosplay and Social Media is a $0 event which doesn't have a wishlist option. It says
"Available Tickets: 110 This event only accepts Generic Tickets"
on the side where you would normally be able to register.
I'll send that along and see if that's right.
Marian McBrine Event Coordinator Gen Con LLC
For the RPGA events HILL 1-1, HILL 1-2 and HILL 1-3. The short description says "levels 1-4" while the long descriptions says "levels 5-10"
Can't find any Cryptozoic events are there any?
They are still being processed and will be added with late events.
Is anyone else having trouble with expanding either time or alphabet when you search on an entire host? Primarily with the host Writer's Symposium. --Buzz
Strange - I'm able to replicate it with Writers' Symposium, but not other groups. I'll let Dev know so they can investigate.