I LOOOOVE this game, but I don't own it and my friend doesn't like to teach it so I can't play it often. I was really hoping to see an event for it but there is none. I have never been to GenCon and I am not sure if there would be another place I could find this game for play. Is anyone bringing a copy? Is there a general section of the Con where I might find people playing this? Any suggestions would be most welcome, cheers!
Fantasy Flight will have several booths and it may be possible to demo in the Exhibit Hall.
You could also try the Games Library, but there's no guarantee any particular game will be available (unless you or your friend bring a copy yourself).
The Gen Con Games Library has a profile on BoardGameGeek. I don't know how often they update their collection, but Star Craft: The Board Game (and the Brood War expansion) are both listed on it, and I don't know why they wouldn't still have it.
-double post-
I highly doubt that FFG will have a demo running of a many-year old game that they no longer have the license for. The Games Library is your better bet.
I have that game but I haven't played it in years.
Yep, renting it from the game library is the only option. FFG won't be running demos of game they no longer have the license for. As an aside, they probably will be running demos of Forbidden Stars, which is a game that pretty much updates the Starcraft system.
Not so, intrepid board gamers. You have another option besides the library. Not only will I bring it with me -- I'll be glad to teach you! What days are you going? If you're there Thur., meet me at the SFR booth in the Exhibit Hall at 10a and we'll either play or set up a time to, yeah?
That is very nice of you. I ended up buying a used copy but sadly it is not at all in the condition I expected it to be. We will be at the con Friday-Sunday, would you be available on Friday?