Big event updates (including Magic)
Posted by derekguder

Heads up: a lot of events have been added the past few days. We added almost a thousand events over the weekend and Pastimes's Magic schedule was activated just now. Should have another big surprise soon, too.

So make sure to go through events again. Maybe set aside some time again this weekend to browse through and see what new events are available. Remember: you can return tickets online until June 19 if you want to shuffle your schedule around a bit.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by rz3wg4mattingly

Thanks Derek!  We know what a big task it is to get everything set up and appreciate all the work you've put into this.

Posted by austicke

A handy list of changes.

Posted by njseahawksfan

Yay!  Thanks for the update, Derek.

Posted by mhayward1978

Bwahahahaha - all that waiting and they aren't having Eternal Masters drafts.

I guess there won't be high scarcity M:tG events after all!

Posted by derekguder

Another update: just added almost 300 tickets for Call of Cthulhu.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by jhs

Can someone explain the magic booster drafts?  Specifically, there are some that seem to have much higher payoffs than others (win-a-box drafts vs booster drafts) but they all cost $18.  Thanks!

Posted by remnant

Looking at the events I'm not sure if it would totally answer your question but did you try emailing: [email protected] ?

Posted by qwaserity

To those who have late events,

I don't know about others but you can find me sitting at my computer right when pre-registration opens. There are events that I want to get into immediately because I'm bringing two friends to GenCon this year for their first gaming convention. Our schedules were filled quickly with games and events that only happen at cons. Then we fill in the rest of the hours with learning new games, shopping and other convention experiences.

When an event is added later folks like my friends and I have no more room to add another game. We're renaissance gamers who play everything so dropping game A to play game B is a pain. I'm wondering how many other gamers bypass the late added events because their plans are already set in stone.

P.S. Our shopping is planned out in one hour breaks between events so we can't squeeze in another game.

Posted by aaronr jhs

jhs wrote:
Can someone explain the magic booster drafts?  Specifically, there are some that seem to have much higher payoffs than others (win-a-box drafts vs booster drafts) but they all cost $18.  Thanks!

The regular booster drafts pay out prizes to the top 4 players in an 8 man pod. The win-a-box pays out only to the 1st place player in an 8 man pod (with the exact number of prize wall tickets for a booster box of a recent set hence the name.)

Hope that helps.

Posted by derekguder qwaserity

qwaserity wrote:
To those who have late events,
I don't know about others but you can find me sitting at my computer right when pre-registration opens. There are events that I want to get into immediately because I'm bringing two friends to GenCon this year for their first gaming convention. Our schedules were filled quickly with games and events that only happen at cons. Then we fill in the rest of the hours with learning new games, shopping and other convention experiences.
When an event is added later folks like my friends and I have no more room to add another game. We're renaissance gamers who play everything so dropping game A to play game B is a pain. I'm wondering how many other gamers bypass the late added events because their plans are already set in stone.
P.S. Our shopping is planned out in one hour breaks between events so we can't squeeze in another game.

I'm not sure I understand what message you want to send to folks with late events, but I had a few general points to provide as some kind of reply.

First, no one at any point in the process wants their events to be late, but there are many factors that can cause that - plenty of which are not actually anyone's fault, if that even matters.

Second, Gen Con is always going to accept late events as long as we have the time and space to accommodate them. There is absolutely no reason to refuse them categorically and doing so would only result in fewer people playing fewer games, which we should all be able to agree is not a good thing.

If you and your friends have built a schedule you love, feel free to completely ignore late events. That's part of the risk everyone is aware of when their events are late. You found great events - stick with them. New event additions are not going to reduce their quality in any way, or even necessarily going to be better.

If you do see some games you would rather play than what you currently have scheduled, you still have until June 19 to return those tickets online to system credit and replace them with something else (new or not).

Either way, plenty of attendees don't sign up for events day 1 of event registration. Many don't sign up for anything until they arrive onsite at the show. Late events are an opportunity for them to hop into something exciting that may not have been ready at the launch of event registration or might have filled up quickly.

I can certainly understand the frustration of having planned out your weekend only to stumble across something new and enticing, but there is ultimately no sure-fire way to resolve that, and we are not going to artificially reduce the volume of games in an attempt to do so.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by brotherbock

In addition to the above, there are plenty of people who did not get any, or many, events they wanted when events first went live. Many people have no schedule, or ones they don't like. 

Posted by armadilloal jhs

jhs wrote:
Can someone explain the magic booster drafts?  Specifically, there are some that seem to have much higher payoffs than others (win-a-box drafts vs booster drafts) but they all cost $18.  Thanks!

The Win-A-Box events are not booster drafts.  You have to bring your own Constructed deck.  Since Pastimes does not give each player three booster packs, the prize pool is 24 packs larger.

Posted by dblade

Picked up a Call of Cthulu game. Wasn't sure if it was there before but this thread got me looking around.

Posted by nikki qwaserity

qwaserity wrote:
To those who have late events,
I don't know about others but you can find me sitting at my computer right when pre-registration opens. There are events that I want to get into immediately because I'm bringing two friends to GenCon this year for their first gaming convention. Our schedules were filled quickly with games and events that only happen at cons. Then we fill in the rest of the hours with learning new games, shopping and other convention experiences.
When an event is added later folks like my friends and I have no more room to add another game. We're renaissance gamers who play everything so dropping game A to play game B is a pain. I'm wondering how many other gamers bypass the late added events because their plans are already set in stone.
P.S. Our shopping is planned out in one hour breaks between events so we can't squeeze in another game.

So it your question how many people bother with late events?  I can say that everyone I know not only checks for late events, but a huge part of our Gen Con Wednesday is getting together and going through the program guide looking for new things to add while we eat yummy food.

I don't really get the point to this post.  If you don't have room, you don't have room and that's cool for you and your friends if that's how you want your convention experience.  But it almost reads like you're trying to make people associated with late events feel like they shouldn't even try.  I'm here to say that lots of people look at added events and even look forward to doing so.

Posted by divachelle

To those who have late events, 
I don't know about others but you can find me sitting at my computer right when pre-registration opens. There are events that I want to get into immediately because I'm bringing two friends to GenCon this year for their first gaming convention. Our schedules were filled quickly with games and events that only happen at cons. Then we fill in the rest of the hours with learning new games, shopping and other convention experiences. 
When an event is added later folks like my friends and I have no more room to add another game. We're renaissance gamers who play everything so dropping game A to play game B is a pain. I'm wondering how many other gamers bypass the late added events because their plans are already set in stone. 
P.S. Our shopping is planned out in one hour breaks between events so we can't squeeze in another game.

I don't really get the point to this post.  

For me, at least, I guess the point is that everyone approaches their GenCon event planning differently. It sounds like the OP wants everything in order early so that his group can attend specific events together. 

I have a bit different situation, putting my major events in place and then filling in the gaps with new-to-me games. It's just me and my husband at the con together; he pretty much does his thing and I do mine. We overlap for a few events, but I'm sort of on my own, so I only need a single ticket.

To each his/her own. :)


Posted by brotherbock nikki

nikki wrote:
qwaserity wrote:
To those who have late events,
I don't know about others but you can find me sitting at my computer right when pre-registration opens. There are events that I want to get into immediately because I'm bringing two friends to GenCon this year for their first gaming convention. Our schedules were filled quickly with games and events that only happen at cons. Then we fill in the rest of the hours with learning new games, shopping and other convention experiences.
When an event is added later folks like my friends and I have no more room to add another game. We're renaissance gamers who play everything so dropping game A to play game B is a pain. I'm wondering how many other gamers bypass the late added events because their plans are already set in stone.
P.S. Our shopping is planned out in one hour breaks between events so we can't squeeze in another game.

So it your question how many people bother with late events?  I can say that everyone I know not only checks for late events, but a huge part of our Gen Con Wednesday is getting together and going through the program guide looking for new things to add while we eat yummy food.I don't really get the point to this post.  If you don't have room, you don't have room and that's cool for you and your friends if that's how you want your convention experience.  But it almost reads like you're trying to make people associated with late events feel like they shouldn't even try.  I'm here to say that lots of people look at added events and even look forward to doing so.

I read it as a guilt trip. "Get yer events in earlier" was the message, I thought. 

Posted by qwaserity


You're close... I know that if everything was ready at the time registration opens, those late companies would get more ticket buyers. I've done the Wednesday night schedule reviews like some of the other posters are doing but I can't do that if I want to get a group of three into some events. For example, there's no way we could possibly get into True Dungeon by waiting until the last minute. We ALMOST missed some events even though I was hitting the "wishlist to buy" button at Noon on Sunday when registration opened.

Maybe those events fill up anyway and that makes my point moot. I just know that I'm not signing up for a $100 magic draft now.

Posted by dblade

There are plenty of people who don't get what they want the first time around. In some cases Late Events allows them a second chance. There are many ways to navigate GenCon and there is no wrong way to do it. For instance, I came to the realization that I like running games more than playing in them so I signed up to run 5 games. I even considered adding a Late Event if I didn't fill my schedule after the first round of event registration.

Posted by brotherbock qwaserity

qwaserity wrote:
You're close... I know that if everything was ready at the time registration opens, those late companies would get more ticket buyers. I've done the Wednesday night schedule reviews like some of the other posters are doing but I can't do that if I want to get a group of three into some events. For example, there's no way we could possibly get into True Dungeon by waiting until the last minute. We ALMOST missed some events even though I was hitting the "wishlist to buy" button at Noon on Sunday when registration opened.
Maybe those events fill up anyway and that makes my point moot. I just know that I'm not signing up for a $100 magic draft now.

Someone who *almost* didn't get their events of course has a schedule they are happy with. Plenty of people who almost got, but *didn't get*, their events will appreciate late events. There are now a bunch of events that people who got their wishlists, like you, aren't competing for :) 

I don't have any stats on whether late events sell worse or not. I kinda doubt it, with 60k attendees. 

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