Anyone out there have an extra Track B ticket for the D&D Experience? We have a group of 5 and only 4 tickets to it. We can trade equal value in tickets with generics to make up the difference. Specifically, we have AEG Big Game Night, Cthulhu Open, Saturday Paranoia, Painting with Angel Giraldez, the Thursday Shadowrun tournament, and Cthulhu Novo Ordus Weird Authority: Case of 1919: The Count of Saint Germain.
Let us know if you run into an extra - thanks!
I've never actually seen anyone try to trade before. Not sure why not, makes good sense. Good luck (I'm going all genetics, can't help, but good luck)
Technically we don't allow trades of this kind, thanks.
Marian McBrine Event Coordinator Gen Con LLC
My apologies - go ahead and delete the thread. I knew you couldn't sell tickets - I thought trading them for equal value was ok (like Track A for Track B) as long as no cash changed hands.
If a ticket for any game is good for any game, why isn't any ticket good for any player (provided the player has a valid badge)?
Say I'm planning on making a game, but suddenly have something come up twenty minutes before the poisoning maybe. Why can't a friend of mine with a valid badge use the ticket? I mean, knowing I won't make it, my friend could use generics to go take my place. But why not let him use my ticket?
Just curious. In all my years, it's something I've never managed to do, even though I admit I didn't know it wasn't allowed. But I know many people have done it.
Ooh, and...does that mean that GMs are supposed to check names on tickets with badges, as opposed to just confirming that each player has a badge?
Sorry for the Q&A, just didn't know this. (Just reread...that sounds like a dispute, but I'm really just asking for the reason I assume is in place, and explaining why it seems to make sense. What am I missing?)
You can give away tickets, that's fine. And no, you don't have to check names on tickets. However, we generally don't allow ticket sales or trades; the proper thing to do is return them and have the other person buy them. I've generally been pretty lenient about letting people trade True Dungeon tickets, but we just don't want to have a secondary ticket market.
Gotcha. So the concern is that the trading of ticket for ticket may lead to the trading of ticket for something else, and then into selling/secondary market. That makes sense.
Thanks :)
Well here's hoping that some decide to return some of their D&D eXPerience Tickets. I'd very much like to be able to attend that event myself despite the steep price tag. This will be my first GenCon; why not go all out, eh?? Hope you all get the tickets you're after...