Looking for event but...
Posted by brewski

Im looking for an event I saw some time back but cant seem to recall the name of it.
It had something to do with computer professionals meeting up. Not a hackers conference but something like a meet and greet.
Maybe I just seen it somewhere else. But Im thinking it was in one of the GC emails maybe?
Any help would be great.

Posted by bakermouse10133

Interactive Inteligence maybe? There was a email about stuff going on on Georgia st. I think if you look in the Press button up top you will find the email. 

Posted by brewski

Yep. I think thats the one. Thanks.

Posted by brewski bakermouse10133

bakermouse10133 wrote:
Interactive Inteligence maybe? There was a email about stuff going on on Georgia st. I think if you look in the Press button up top you will find the email. 
Must not be the name.
It failed to pull up info when I typed that into the search.

Posted by bakermouse10133

I dont think it was offically selling tickets in events, just hosting stuff outside on georgia st. I would look at Interactives web site maybe they have info on there.

Looking thru the press link I am not finding it either. 

Posted by rbree

This is all I could find "Interactive Intelligence is taking over Georgia St. in downtown Indy the evening of Friday, August 5! They will be located just steps outside of the Convention Center – next to the Sun King Brewery tent and food trucks. While you’re enjoying the outdoor activities, come try out their interactive dungeon delve! Just for playing, you’ll win a prize! You also can hang out and listen to some cool bands, including The Doubleclicks!"  source is here https://graphicpolicy.com/2016/05/20/gen-con-2016-the-way-down-wanderers-to-headline-georgia-st-tapping-party/

Posted by rbree

Interactive Intelligence is also listed as the Georgia St Celebration on the Gencon sponsor page.

Posted by brewski

Found it.
League of Xtrordanary Programmers.

Posted by brewski

Not in the event catalog but on the Gen Con fb page.
Finally stumbled onto it.

Posted by brewski


Link to Gen Con fb notice of tje event.

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