I have 3 (possibily 4) extra tickets for a TD run on Thursday. Am I permitted to seek interested persons to join my group of 6? Am I permitted to request payment equal to the face value in either cash or generic tickets?
already posted there. Just looking to open it up to more people.
What time on Thursday? I'm looking for a late run due to schedule conflicts.
From the old Forum ( http://community.gencon.com/forums/t/36234.aspx )
You cannot buy tickets, sell tickets, or offer anything of value in exchange for the opportunity to get tickets to any events. NO EXCEPTIONS. The ONLY way I can allow ticket exchanges here is exact like for like; I would let you trade a TD ticket at one time for one at another time, with no further consideration allowed.First time, I delete the post, second time, you're on a month ban. Fair warning.