Full Map of ICC anywhere?
Posted by papalorax

Is there a map of the entire GenCon setup for this year? Wondering about some of the side rooms and who has them?

Posted by derekguder

No, nothing official about how things will be laid out for Gen Con. It'll be a while yet for that.

The ICC-LOS web site itself has maps (sadly, requiring Flash) if you just want the general layout of the building, of course.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by papalorax

Mostly curious - Kickstarter room again? Rio Grande Room?

Posted by derekguder

There is no Kickstarter room - do you mean the First Exposure Playtest Hall?

Both that & Rio Grande will be basically where they were last year.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by papalorax

no wonder "Kickstarter" didn't show any results!

Great news! Thanks!

Posted by divachelle

Is Rio Grande going to have a larger space? It was tight in there last year. 

Posted by donaldbain derekguder

derekguder wrote:
No, nothing official about how things will be laid out for Gen Con. It'll be a while yet for that.
The ICC-LOS web site itself has maps (sadly, requiring Flash) if you just want the general layout of the building, of course.
Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

PDf map of con centre and stadium


and other useful things



Posted by austicke

Maps from last year: http://imgur.com/a/ZU3pF

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