How to delete account?
Posted by emil heide

Hi everyone

I attended Gen Con this year and had a great time, but I do not expect to attend again, as it is a long journey from Denmark. I would like my account and private data deleted, as I prefer to not have accounts and data lying around the internet more than necessary. I couldn't find any info on account deletion on the website or forum, so I contacted Customer Service 2-3 weeks ago. I sent a reminder a few days ago, but I haven't received a reply.

Does anyone in here know what the procedure is? Or whom to contact?


Posted by mikeboozer

Send an email to [email protected] with this request please.


Posted by emil heide

Hi Mike Thanks for the quick reply. I have contacted Customer Service. I received an automated response, saying that they would usually answer in 1-2 days, but that was 2-3 weeks ago. I also sent a reminder a few days ago. Do you know if there is anyone else I can contact? Regards,Emil 

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