More old thread spam.
Posted by aldctjoc

At your convenience: I got another notification about a new post in this thread. Turns out the post was spam. 

Looks like one from 3 months ago was also spam.

Maybe that thread needs to be locked? Anyway, reporting the new spam. 

Posted by mikeboozer

Got it, thanks


Posted by aldctjoc

Thank you, Mike. 

Sorry you're having to deal with that crap. I wish spammers would just go away, and from more than just this forum. 

Posted by notavailableeither

Has there been any consideration of a general policy to lock down any thread that hasn’t had anything posted for some period of time? That could at least prevent the spammers from resurrecting a long defunct thready as I’ve noticed occasionally happens.

For example, if the chosen cutoff is 15 months without real comments (not spam whether or not it’s been deleted), threads will remain active even if they only receive real comments once a year, but at least old stuff won’t be resurrected. I’m not an IT person so don’t know whether a policy like this is viable, just wanted to throw the suggestion out there.

Posted by mikeboozer

I lock or delete old posts all the time.


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