SPAMBOT in Forums
Posted by kethryveris1980

You don't seem to have a way to report posts or users. There's a spambot, user dfghfhgfh11, spamming Chinese language University recruitment ads or something in the Travel, Housing, and Dining forum.

Posted by roderick

Thanks for letting us know. 

Roderick Robertson
Forum Coordinator 
Gen Con, LLC. 

Posted by bugwar

A lot of Red Chinese spam in the event forum.
Might want to clean them up.

Posted by roderick

Yep, got it. It'll be checked again tomorrow morning. But it's like playing whack-a-mole; you eject one, and another just pops right back up. 


Posted by buffythecatslayer

He’s back.....

Posted by roderick

Yep, I know.

Posted by quarex

alexdo01 is one, he posted an ostensible introductory message in Off Topic and then a few weeks/months later edited it to be some sort of foreign language Spam text.  Starting to think all the posts introducing new members are going to turn out to be Spammers eventually; who still introduces themselves on forums in 2019?

Posted by roderick

Quarex is certainly spamming today. but isn't a bot, just seems to be a guy that can't cvontrol his fingers. 

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