Can't Double Book, Can't Drop Events
Posted by mac_apple


I want to drop my events with Baldman Games and pick up events with another group. However I can't find a way to drop them, and the system won't let me double book. Any advice would be appreciated.

Error: Event RPG18143233 conflicts with event(s) RPG18140299 for Leslie Duncan.

Posted by buffythecatslayer

That’s the way it is for everyone until the windows open at the Con on Wed, 8/1.

After 7/17, all returns have to be in person.

Posted by kdeeth

Ugh this is dumb. I get no refunds as they are printing and sorting by now I bet but I want to be able to add an event and the double system is frustrating. I have one seminar that isn't even sold out and won't. I took it because might as well fill the calendar and now can't take an 6h tournament because of 1h block.

Posted by austicke kdeeth

kdeeth wrote:can't take an 6h tournament because of 1h block.

Yeah, that’s frustrating. I learned that lesson and don’t sign up for free events unless they may fill up.

Alec Usticke, Fans of Gen Con Facebook Group

Posted by buffythecatslayer

We're all in that same boat.  Hopefully, when they go to full electronic ticketing, they won't have to set deadlines for returns.

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