Auction - how to handle custom (painted) components?
Posted by kbeal2k

I have a couple board games with painted minis I'd like to submit to the auction. What's the best way to handle this? Should I print out a picture and attach it to the box? 

Posted by jerrytel kbeal2k

kbeal2k wrote:
I have a couple board games with painted minis I'd like to submit to the auction. What's the best way to handle this? Should I print out a picture and attach it to the box? 

Yes - that is a great idea. That is what I did with my autographed items - just scanned and printed the page with the autograph so that anyone can easily see it without opening the item from the bag/box.

Also be very specific about contents being complete or if anything is missing. There could still be a desire for people interested to see the painted contents and the staff would handle that accordingly if needed to protect your item and its contents.

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