Refunds Exchanges or Upgrades Event Cancellations Lost Badges & Event Tickets Contact Info
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You can request a refund of your badge when badge registration opens on February 9, 2025. All badge refund requests must be made by the end of the day on June 13, 2025, at 11:59 pm (Eastern). Absolutely no badge cancellation requests will be honored after June 13, 2025, at 11:59 pm (Eastern).
Refund requests received before the deadline will be refunded and credited back to the original credit card or system credit used for the purchase, less administrative fees. System credit is non-transferable, non-refundable, and never expires.
All badge refunds are subject to a $10 administrative fee per badge refunded. There are no exceptions. Badges refunded to system credit do not incur a fee. Gen Con will not be rolling over any badges to the 2026 show.
All event and generic ticket refunds are subject to a 5% administrative fee for the total sum of tickets refunded. There are no exceptions.
All refund requests must be made by the purchaser by email to [email protected]. Refund requests must include the first and last name of the attendee, Gen Con account number, and email address associated with the account. Badge types and Game IDs, along with a description of the items to be refunded, would be greatly appreciated (i.e., a 4-Day badge and eight generic tickets, or three Saturday badges and three True Dungeon tickets, Game ID#________).
Convention event ticket refunds will be managed by Customer Service and can be requested by the person whose name is on the ticket or to the original purchaser. However, all funds will only be refunded to the original purchaser. All tickets are only good for the year that they were purchased.
Generic tickets are only refunded via system credit. There is no cash refund on generic tickets. System credits do not expire and can be used to purchase badges or tickets for any future Gen Con convention.
Event-specific ticket refunds must be requested at least 30 minutes before the start of the event. If an event has been canceled, please see the area hall captain for further instructions. No refunds for canceled events will be given without a stamp or signature from the Hall Captain.
All ticket refunds are subject to a 5% administrative fee per the total sum of tickets refunded. The deadline for obtaining any ticket refund is 4 pm on Sunday, August 3, 2025 at the customer service kiosk.
For on site refunds, please visit the Customer Service kiosk. Please note: Customer Service will not process cash transactions after 11 pm nightly.
Only event tickets can be refunded on site. Badge purchases are non-refundable and non-transferable.
For on site exchanges, please visit the Customer Service kiosk. Please note: Customer Service will not process cash transactions after 11 pm nightly.
If an event has been canceled, please see the area hall captain for further instructions. No refunds will be given for canceled events without a stamp or signature from the Hall Captain. The last day to receive a ticket refund is 4:00 p.m., Sunday, August 3, 2025, at the Customer Service kiosks.
We cannot replace lost, stolen, or forgotten badges and/or event tickets. Please be responsible with your convention materials. Lost, stolen, or forgotten items must be repurchased at full cost. You should check with the Gen Con Show Office in room 112 of the convention center to see if your materials have been turned in to Lost & Found. Gen Con LLC assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or forgotten materials.
If your shipment is confirmed to be lost during shipment by the USPS, we will replace your convention materials at no cost to you. Please note that we can not replace items the USPS shows as being delivered.
Due to increased call volume and limited resources at this time, you will get a faster response by emailing us with customer service inquiries.
All badge refund requests must be sent by email.
If you are requesting a refund, please include the Gen Con ID number for the account used to purchase the badge(s) (find it next to your name on your account), the name on the badge(s) to be refunded, and the type of refund you are requesting (to your credit card minus the return fee, or to system credit with no fee).
If you have any inquiries regarding our Refund, Exchange, or Cancellation Policies, please call our office at (206) 385-1967 or email us at [email protected]. Customer Service hours are Monday – Friday, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm (Pacific), 12:30 pm – 8:00 pm (Eastern). All refund or exchange requests must be received in writing (email, fax, or mail). See the information above for details on how to request a refund.
All inquiries can be made at the onsite Customer Service kiosks during the convention.
Gen Con mailing address is: Gen Con LLC230 Auburn Way, Ste 1B #120Auburn, WA 98002-5451