My place in line this year was 3, which is actually worse than last year. Ha!
What was your place in line?
I started as 5125 but then dropped to 5084 where I am holding.
Tell me again why this can't be automated so we don't have to hit the button at 12 edt?
1828 which is my worst start ever :(
I want to know what state truelink lives in, what kind of computer and browser they have, and what outer gods they make sacrifices to. :)
Bliss and Ohio, a six year old custom built computer running Google Chrome, and according to one character sheet: Azuth.
So iPad (Chrome) only updated number a few times, but then when I viewed my wish list in Chrome on iPhone, it updated until it processed (iPad still spinning on 5084).
Took about 1:22 all told.
The place-in-queue number gets stuck all the time. I refresh the page to know where I am.
Disaster in the making. Friend started around 1000 and had gotten everything on the wishlist except one we missed. Submitted the wish list a second time with the forgotten item before checking out what was in his cart. Now we have to wait for that wish list to process before checking out, potentially losing everything we already have because of the 2 hour expiration. Good thing to know! Keeping my fingers crossed that we beat the timer.
As long as you remain active on the site, you shouldn't lose what is in your cart. :)
517 for me. Got everything I wanted, though the Eclipse Phase game was a close call (only 2 tickets left by the time I got to the checkout).
Yup, you can be in the wish list queue, just refresh your page and the two hour timer resets.
Marian McBrine Event Coordinator Gen Con LLC
I clicked right when the button went green at 12 #4947. Missed my #1 wish list event :( boo.
3800-and-something, lost my first three events (the rest were all SEM or ENT events so not much competition there). Took about an hour to process.
Very discouraging watching events go grey while your queue spot slowly ticks down...
You may have some luck if you keep trying/watching. I didn't get my #1 priority until my 3rd time through the list.
156 in line. I got all but one of my events.
Was online and ready to pounce when the timer hit zero... got and error, ended up having to refresh... 4600 some down the list and only got Half of the events I wanted. Sux