40k Combat Patrol demos cancelled?
Posted by grim66

I had the Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol Demo on my wishlist and was just checking before the submission and saw that it was cancelled. Is there any more information on this? Is it an error, or for real, or will it come back? 

Posted by derekguder

If it's marked as Canceled, then it's canceled. The event organizer might change their mind and update the event, but you would want to contact them directly about that.

Posted by natalieportman grim66

grim66 wrote:
I had the Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol Demo on my wishlist and was just checking before the submission and saw that it was cancelled. Is there any more Buckshot Roulette information on this? Is it an error, or for real, or will it come back? 
Since the trial aimed to see if a full magazine collection was viable, there's a chance it could return in a different format if successful.

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