I thought I had a ride this year but that seems to have changed.
I am a non-driver & cannot afford a plane but am happy to split gas for anyone traveling from NE Ohio (Cleveland/Akron area).
I can depart either Wednesday or Thursday & would like to stay thru to Sunday but am flexible. I am staying with friends in the area & do not need to work around a hotel reservation.
I am a non-smoker, in my late 40's. Happy to chat about whatever or can bring a book if you'd rather ride in silence.
I'd like to lock in a ride soon so I can buy my badge. Thanks in advance to any who respond.
How much stuff do you normally bring and where specifically are you located? My buddy and travel together and I live in Massillon. We leave Weds morning and return Monday morning usually stopping around Columbus for lunch.
Hi. I'm new here. solar smash
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