Looking for a Ride From NE Ohio
Posted by hash23

I thought I had a ride this year but that seems to have changed.

I am a non-driver & cannot afford a plane but am happy to split gas for anyone traveling from NE Ohio (Cleveland/Akron area).

I can depart either Wednesday or Thursday & would like to stay thru to Sunday but am flexible. I am staying with friends in the area & do not need to work around a hotel reservation. 

I am a non-smoker, in my late 40's. Happy to chat about whatever or can bring a book if you'd rather ride in silence.

I'd like to lock in a ride soon so I can buy my badge. Thanks in advance to any who respond.

Posted by crowingcommando

How much stuff do you normally bring and where specifically are you located? My buddy and travel together and I live in Massillon. We leave Weds morning and return Monday morning usually stopping around Columbus for lunch.  

Posted by hash23 crowingcommando

crowingcommando wrote:
How much stuff do you normally bring and where specifically are you located? My buddy and travel together and I live in Massillon. We leave Weds morning and return Monday morning usually stopping around Columbus for lunch.  

I live in Kent but could possibly get a ride at least halfway to you to make it easier. I would have a large (Greyhound approved size) suitcase & a backpack, maybe a tote bag/purse, no games. Timeline is no issue as I am staying at a friends house. If this sounds workable for you? I'd love to lock it in so I can order my badge. Thanks for responding!

Posted by romem1952

Hi. I'm new here.
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