Health and Safety Info 2023
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Posted by mikeboozer

The health and safety of Gen Con participants remains a top priority. Gen Con will continue to monitor the guidance of the Marion County Department of Public Health and the CDC regarding appropriate safety measures as the convention date nears.

As of January 2023, Gen Con will not require proof of vaccination or masks at the 2023 convention.
While continuously monitoring the situation, organizers will reserve the right to change this policy if conditions warrant at any time, including up to the start date of the convention. 

Participants are strongly encouraged to wear masks and stay up to date with their vaccinations.


Posted by cinnibar

I'll put in a half-dozen comfy masks in my luggage then.  I'm prepared regardless then.


Posted by toxic_rat

Excellent!   Thanks for the good news.

Posted by grognard262

Great news, thanks!  We had planned to take a year off, but this changes things.

Posted by cinnibar

I do hope (silly, I know) that people are this year not assuming anything is set in stone this early.

I know, I know....

Posted by kevinrg cinnibar

cinnibar wrote:
I do hope (silly, I know) that people are this year not assuming anything is set in stone this early.
I know, I know....

I would think if Gencon reverses course it would be evident elsewhere in society with other places reversing course and not a shock.

Posted by jmoodie

Edit: See helpful response below for more. I'll leave the original post for context. 

It's a conundrum for sure, but if the general policy won't be locked in reasonably well in advance of the event, I can't see myself attending. 

This isn't a safety or efficacy question - for me it's just not fun. And I don't want to be locked into lodging transportation and other fees only to find out a week before the event that the policy has changed. 

So while I don't doubt the sincerity of the motivation here, this is tantamount to having to assume that masks will be in place. I don't think the trying to split the baby approach is going to be particularly effective for anyone who is on the fence either way. Please pick a lane in advance of any refund or cancellation windows. Give the stability of a clear choice. 

I hope the con has a great year either way. 

Posted by wells

Excellent news, thanks!

Posted by general lopez jmoodie

jmoodie wrote:
It's a conundrum for sure, but if the general policy won't be locked in reasonably well in advance of the event, I can't see myself attending. 
This isn't a safety or efficacy question - for me it's just not fun. And I don't want to be locked into lodging transportation and other fees only to find out a week before the event that the policy has changed. 
So while I don't doubt the sincerity of the motivation here, this is tantamount to having to assume that masks will be in place. I don't think the trying to split the baby approach is going to be particularly effective for anyone who is on the fence either way. Please pick a lane in advance of any refund or cancellation windows. Give the stability of a clear choice. 
I hope the con has a great year either way. 

 It never changed last year once announced in Dec 2021. I personally don't see it changing unless something drastically changes by then with Covid. They have to leave the door open slightly to get more restrictive if necessary, it could be required by the county, and it would be out of their control. Their policy is pretty much matching what most conventions are doing this year. I am very happy with policy this year, thank you Gencon.

Posted by jmoodie general lopez

general lopez wrote:
jmoodie wrote:
It's a conundrum for sure, but if the general policy won't be locked in reasonably well in advance of the event, I can't see myself attending. 
This isn't a safety or efficacy question - for me it's just not fun. And I don't want to be locked into lodging transportation and other fees only to find out a week before the event that the policy has changed. 
So while I don't doubt the sincerity of the motivation here, this is tantamount to having to assume that masks will be in place. I don't think the trying to split the baby approach is going to be particularly effective for anyone who is on the fence either way. Please pick a lane in advance of any refund or cancellation windows. Give the stability of a clear choice. 
I hope the con has a great year either way. 

 It never changed last year once announced in Dec 2021. I personally don't see it changing unless something drastically changes by then with Covid. They have to leave the door open slightly to get more restrictive if necessary, it could be required by the county, and it would be out of their control. Their policy is pretty much matching what most conventions are doing this year. I am very happy with policy this year, thank you Gencon.

​​​​​​Good to know. Thank you!

Posted by eldrad12000

I will be there no matter what happens. Masks, no masks. Already have the jab so that isn't a consideration. I just wanna game.

Posted by grognard262 jmoodie

jmoodie wrote:
It's a conundrum for sure, but if the general policy won't be locked in reasonably well in advance of the event, I can't see myself attending. 
This isn't a safety or efficacy question - for me it's just not fun. And I don't want to be locked into lodging transportation and other fees only to find out a week before the event that the policy has changed. 

Realistically, a "locked in" policy can't happen.  Gen Con doesn't have a crystal ball to predict the future, and there could be a particularly nasty new variant, and then what?  Moreover, I would expect to see legal language like this creep into agreements for future events of all types -- conventions, concerts, travel, etc.

Gen Con probably has no interest in changing the policy unless they feel they must.  Many people will sign up (or not) and schedule events based on expectations that are set by whatever rules are in effect when they buy their badge.  If the policy changed in June, another round of complaining would ensue and a bunch of people would cancel their events and demand a refund.  That would be very disruptive to the convention.  If the policy changes, it will likely be at the last moment, and only because C19 has taken a grim turn for the worse.

After reluctantly wearing masks the past two years, my wife and I were planning to take a year off, but this policy changes things for us.  We aren't going to hold out for a firm commitment because that will never come.  Even if management was willing, their lawyers are not.

Posted by donaldbain

I wonder if there will be exceptions allowed, like Paizo requiring masks in the Sagamore?

Posted by burrfoot72

Yeah I hope something dramatic would have to happen that would change this position they set as I was of the position that I wasn't going if it was the same as last year from the onset.  The last year I have been maskless everywhere except Gen Con and the doctors office.  I have flown 4 times now, been on a cruise, several sporting events and multiple concerts last year all without a mask.  I was stunned when I walked into the dentist yesterday for my 6 month cleaning and no one was wearing a mask except the hygienist and dentist.  They dropped asking me a bunch of questions and taking my temperature too.  

Posted by malfakter

This is great news!  Thank you, Gen Con.  My family, friends and I will be returning this year!

Posted by mikeboozer donaldbain

donaldbain wrote:
I wonder if there will be exceptions allowed, like Paizo requiring masks in the Sagamore?

There will not be exceptions to our policies for attendees.

That said we encourage everyone to get vaccinated (If you can) and wear masks depending on your comfort level.

To be clear what they require for their own employees is completely up to them.


Posted by dragonauv

Thank you Mike

Posted by ladye jmoodie

jmoodie wrote:
Edit: See helpful response below for more. I'll leave the original post for context. 
It's a conundrum for sure, but if the general policy won't be locked in reasonably well in advance of the event, I can't see myself attending. 
This isn't a safety or efficacy question - for me it's just not fun. And I don't want to be locked into lodging transportation and other fees only to find out a week before the event that the policy has changed. 
So while I don't doubt the sincerity of the motivation here, this is tantamount to having to assume that masks will be in place. I don't think the trying to split the baby approach is going to be particularly effective for anyone who is on the fence either way. Please pick a lane in advance of any refund or cancellation windows. Give the stability of a clear choice. 
I hope the con has a great year either way. 

While they CAN still change the requirements, given that they are basing their decisions on local requirements, and this is Indiana, it's unlikely. Add in the following headline, and an about face is going to give them such a local black eye:

Posted by ladye general lopez

general lopez wrote:

 It never changed last year once announced in Dec 2021. I personally don't see it changing unless something drastically changes by then with Covid. They have to leave the door open slightly to get more restrictive if necessary, it could be required by the county, and it would be out of their control. Their policy is pretty much matching what most conventions are doing this year. I am very happy with policy this year, thank you Gencon.

Marion County require masking? Not likely. Not unless the state legislature passes some sort of last minute resolution. And THAT is unlikely.

Posted by quarex

Yeah Indiana is more likely to pass a resolution requiring punching someone wearing a mask in the face than mandate wearing one

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