Dealer Hall Budgets
Posted by brotherbock

Hi all. Just curious to see what sort of budgets people have in general for the dealer hall. Not for travel/hotel/food/events, just what you bring to spend in the dealer hall on books/games/clothes/etc. 

Mine varies from year to year--I have a few other hobbies that soak up money (and not a ton of money to begin with :) --so sometimes I have several hundred bucks available, other years I'm on a shoestring and only come for the gaming. 

Anyone else? 

Posted by noone

I budget aroun 1000 some years I come back with some leftover most years I spend more

Posted by roundtop

I'm trying to allocate $1k USD total, of which I plan on $500USD dealers hall allocated.

That said, my pickup list is fairly short so far, with only about $100 USD spoken for.
Then add random stuff for wife and friends as gifts, easily another $100.
Leaving about $300 for whatever I find.

Posted by johnnyrotten

I usually aim for $500-700 or so, depends on what the spoilers show for games being released during the convention and also to allow for the dreaded impulse buy.  :)   You never know when you come across that rare gem of a game or finding the new hotness.  


Posted by divachelle

We don't really have a budget, per se, but we do have a couple of lists. There's the stuff we're definitely buying (for ourselves, for gifts, and for friends) and the stuff we're wanting to play/test/take a look at to see if we want to buy it.

I think around $500 usually covers it. Sometimes we spend more and sometimes we spend less.

Posted by brotherbock johnnyrotten

johnnyrotten wrote:
I usually aim for $500-700 or so, depends on what the spoilers show for games being released during the convention and also to allow for the dreaded impulse buy.  :)   You never know when you come across that rare gem of a game or finding the new hotness.  

I hear you. I rarely have a game I'm planning on buying beforehand. Although I was planning on looking into XWing. Noped out when I found out you only got two minis with the base game. 

My buys are new finds, and old. Rpg books from places like Chimera. This year though, maybe some Superfight. 

Posted by watchdog

It's been a long time since I spent over $50 in the exhibit hall. I'd say most of the guys in our group spend around $500 each though.

Posted by rutherfordr

I budget about $500 for the exhibit hall, but it depends on whether I find games that will fit into my suitcase for the flight home.

If a game is too big to fit, I don't buy it at GenCon.

Posted by boc_mage

While my budget for con is fairly tight I try to set aside around $100 for dealerhall purchases. I've got a real good FLGS and anymore aside from the odd con exclusive if i want something odds are it'll be at my flgs within a few weeks at most anyways. I have a nasty habit of seeing new to me games and then getting a list to purchase after con. 

Granted I play TD so that's always a budget soak which does influence how much i spend in hall to begin with. 

Posted by thag13

I have about a total budget of 750.00 dollars.  about 500ish for games, but I dont think Ill get over 250 or so this year.

I have a lot of unplayed games from other Gencons, and I need to get some wear and tear on those.

Posted by ironsphinx

I'm budgeting $500 for the dealer room, but looking at my list of purchases that I've already planned out, I'll be spending about half that. Might be a light year for spending at the dealer room...

What was really helpful for my budget last year was going through all my games and selling the ones I didn't play anymore in the Consignment store.

Posted by garasa177

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