Airport to Downtown
Posted by platonicsolid

Good Morning!
Haven't been since 2019, and the $10 GoExpress shuttle has shut down since then.
What's the preferred way to get from the airport to downtown, since it appears my hotel (Hyatt Regency) doesn't run its own shuttle. Options seem to be:

  • Private shuttle
  • Group shuttle
  • Taxi
  • IndyGo (city) bus

I've seen some references to an express city bus route, but appears that's either a red herring or shut down as well.
Anything I'm missing? Any recommendations on the preferred option?

Posted by llenlleawg

There had been a planned express bus line (the Blue Line) which would start from the airport and get much closer before making stops, but COVID and changes in costs have put the project on hold. You can take bus 8 from the airport to downtown, although it's not an express line, so while it can get you within a block of the ICC (and beyond), it might take you 45 minutes or so. It's only $1.75 for a ticket, of course, and might be worth it to you if you do not have too much luggage, but if for you "time=money", you may be better off with a taxi or rideshare.

Posted by tabletalkreviews

I'll be landing at the airport around 4pm on Wednesday. I'd be happy to split a cab with people.

Posted by matthollensbe tabletalkreviews

tabletalkreviews wrote:
I'll be landing at the airport around 4pm on Wednesday. I'd be happy to split a cab with people.
I will be landing around 4 as well and would be willing to split a cab if that is the best option. I am headed to the downtown Marriott,  but I suppose we get as close as we can. 

Posted by platonicsolid

Posted by platonicsolid

I'm landing just before 3pm, myself, with at least a couple other Genconners I know from Baltimore.
Good hunting, all.

Posted by matthollensbe

If anyone wants to split a cab downtown around 4. Text me 7196405327. In airplane mode till then. 

Posted by herrylauu

Many airports offer shuttle services that run on a schedule between the airport Hole IO and downtown areas. These can be more economical than taxis but might have longer travel times due to multiple stops.

Posted by spour1972

@water sort hey guys, I just wanna say hello. 

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