General Info 2019 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 2019
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Task / Topic Latest Posts
will call
Started by god1801
Last post by cerealkiller195 3
Curious about Weapon props.
Started by otterknight
Last post by roderick 6
Let us return event tickets at locations other than CS
Started by buffythecatslayer
Last post by qwaserity 2
Iello VIP Night at Family Time Games
Started by llenlleawg
Last post by bandersnatch1110 3
Indians Baseball July 29-30 and August 2-4
Started by llenlleawg
Last post by boc_mage 3
Is there a guide to Authors' Avenue & Art Show?
Started by buffythecatslayer
Last post by austicke 4
Trying to remember used RPG vendors
Started by trknight
Last post by trknight 6
Trying to remember bin miniatures vendor
Started by beholder
Last post by roderick 9
Two weeks!
Started by jhs
Last post by mvotruba 6
Searching for dice...
Started by desade
Last post by kosmosis 6
R.A. Salvatore in attendance?
Started by jpederso
Last post by austicke 2
Best Spots for Open Gaming
Started by yog-sothoth in jersey
Last post by yog-sothoth in jersey 11
No Sell out?
Started by andrewj.rager
Last post by austicke 16
Board game resale or swaps
Started by tavros46385
Last post by hahnarama 4
Program Book - available?
Started by douga65
Last post by hahnarama 5
Beer Garden
Started by kosmosis
Last post by buttcabbge 4
So I was just downtown Indy
Started by hahnarama
Last post by aj_27 16
Started by djc6535
Last post by kevinrg 11
Reminder: Auction item registration closes on Sunday, July 28
Started by jerrytel
Last post by quarex 22
D&D Experience Sold Out?
Started by homebrewthis
Last post by llenlleawg 2
Room for nursing/pumping mothers?
Started by clembot
Last post by buffythecatslayer 4
So I downloaded the NEW Official Gen Con App
Started by hahnarama
Last post by hahnarama 3
Started by fateoptional
Last post by rz3wg4mattingly 2
Individual Pokemon cards
Started by brooks
Last post by brooks 3
Spotify Playlist
Started by yog-sothoth in jersey
Last post by yog-sothoth in jersey 1
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