Last one here TURN OUT THE LIGHTS!
Posted by hahnarama

I'm heading downtown to kick off the festivities! 

Posted by mvotruba

(I always enjoy this thread)

This is my last time here before I head out...plane leaves early in the morning.

Safe travels everyone...have a great time at the best four days of gaming...see you there!


Posted by aldctjoc

Turn out the lights??

Posted by elvinlord aldctjoc

Old tradition on the forums, people post when they leave for the con last one to leave turns the lights off

Posted by hahnarama

For historical reference see


Played Atiwa and secret prototype last night LOVE ID 

Posted by njseahawksfan

Headin' out before sunrise tomorrow morning.  See you all at the keg tapping party!

Posted by mal_havoc

Taking the 4 hour drive starting at 11am tomorrow.  Stopping at our traditional meal spot on the way.  See you tomorrow afternoon!  Have a great Con everyone!

Posted by jchause

27 minutes of work left, then home, load the car, and then on my way. will be great to see all the people and stuff tomorrow!

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